Contacting Gilby

Hi all. I’ve been attempting to contact Gilby for some time about a question, both via PMs and Email. Are you out there? If so, please answer my email or PM.

Does anybody know how to contact Gilby and get a reply?


Rumour has it you have to sacrifice a chicken.

Those are more than rumors, mate… :astonished:

You have to give him your first unicycle.

(or a longboard:))

Hello, my friend! :smiley:


It must be done in a specific fashion though. You must do it during Yom Kippur. You must hold the chicken by the shoulder blades and circle it around your head a few times to transfer all your daemons and sins to the chicken. Then you may slaughter it and give it to the poor to eat. Do that, have some patience, and only then will your prayers (PM, emails, etc.) get through.

Done deal. The poor are now full of sacrificed chicken, yet my inbox is still empty. :slight_smile: No worries, I have patience, I was just checking to see if you received the message.


Is it still required to drain the blood of the chicken and send it to Harper for putting it in his camelback?

Duh! Yes, of course. And this part will be handy for Tyler who lives close by and has an ACME chicken drainer.

Thought I’d bring this thread up once more.

I have yet to hear from Gilby about my original email/PM to him. That was sent over six months ago, and I haven’t recieved any communication from Gilby about it. I don’t know if he even ever recieved it himself.

So, I’ve resent my letter via email and PM. It’s only been a day or so, but I am fearing that it will once again be either lost or ignored.

What’s going on, Gilby? Does anybody know of a way I can successfully communicate with the Man, here? Hopefully you’ll read this post, Gilby, and maybe enlighten me a bit about this. Of course, I would prefer any communication about the actual letter be conducted privately via PM or email.



My sources tell me that you did not sacrifice a chicken on September 21.

As for editing your past posts, I did not find any that would be of much concern to the issue you brought up. It you can point out specific posts, I’ll take another look.

Thanks for replying, Gilby. I’ll PM you.

Edit: PM sent. :slight_smile:

Maybe you need some moderators Gilby?
I’d be happy to volentier for that.
No problem to support my favorite forum.

Peter M

To moderate what?

And then by what standards?

Well, it would help if there were another two moderators from different locations so the board is covered for almost 24/7. A lot of spam treads get left up for hours, sometimes a full day before they finally get moved.

A lot of thread get posted in the wrong section and are seen by about 3 people and so the person who makes the thread never gets his answer. These threads can be moved into the right spot, or a pm can be sent to the Op and then his thread can be deleted so he can search or so it can be made in the proper area.

Even getting a few very well put together posts explaining types of unicycles, parts, tricks, whatever, can all be linked to in one FAQ thread and that thread can be stickied at the top.

There’s not much moderation going, but the forums can be made better to the point where its more efficient and there is less duplicate threads.

It would also help a few if there were not only a few more moderators here, but maybe a few tech members. A few more people who can help people with forum troubles and other services that are more on the technical side of things.

Yeah, but that would also mean more chicken sacrifices too.

I think Jerrick allready said everything I wanted to say.

Peter M

“One must beware of those who seek power only because they have nothing better to do with themselves.” - Plato

“Beware of those who seek power over others, no matter how smoothly they defend their actions.” - Theodore Beale

“More power!” - Tim Taylor

I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without constructive purpose. - Spock