Console Wars!!!

DK, Mario could totally jump on your head faster than you could shoot him in your fancy Xbox shooter games! :smiley:

now that’s a bit of archiving even i would be proud of
and probably wouldn’t do cause i’ve just got so many better things to do
like try n get this tongue unstuck from the inside of my cheek
or actually get around to trying some of these console games
or the PC ones for that matter

if my sigline wasn’t so full…

I gotta agree a PC will whoop any console’s butt even on a bad day. One word. Extendability. I can connect and reconfigure any controller, any display, any sound system (with DSP and effects), and add any soundtrack I like to my games with just a few clicks of a mouse.

PC monitors have better resolution than most TVs. PCs offer more controls simultaneously (gamepad + keyboard + mouse). Most PCs are automatically network-ready, and aren’t confined to a subscription service. Some PC games come with source code, letting you hack your games into completely new experiences. I could go on…

… but it all comes with a cost. I can’t play any newer PC titles (HL2, Doom3) until I get a faster CPU and better graphics card. I’ll have to shell out more dough than it would take to get a new PS2 to fix my current problem. Until then I have to be content with a reduced framerate when I hit complex scenes in GTA3VC or other newer titles.

Now what I want to see are more Linux-compatible games on the market. Waaay too many PC games require Windoze to run, and Windoze wastes resources :frowning:

In theory you can connect and configure all manner of thingies, but you start having to worry about compatibility, drivers, unwanted side effects and all manner of niggles. Just as the complexity of the PC is an advantage, so is the simplicity of a console… plug it into your telly and tada, any game will work exactly as it was designed to.

As for the resolution of the display… tellies are much lower resolution, but they don’t have totally sharp-edged pixels, which gets around this point on a lot of games. Gran Turismo on the playstation looks fantastic on the telly, but through a TV card onto a monitor in the same resolution looks truly hideous. Anti-aliasing is much less important if the display is a telly because it practically does it itself.

Of course, if you’re using a telly for a game that needs fine detail like a real-time strategy or whatnot then the resolution and fuzziness work against you. But then, you ought to be playing it on a PC anyway, and save the console for what it’s good at; arcade type games where the detail isn’t under as much scrutiny because it’s either whizzing by too fast or you’re too busy having fun…

Almost all of my gaming is done on a PC, but the playstation still has it’s niche of being fantastic for a quick session of wipeout every now and then. In that field the PC can’t even come close.



it’s your move


heres a good one… doom 3 or half life 2?

edit: yous are all nerds

Doom 3 - - 1

Half Life 2 - - 0

Copy that into your next post but put one more count for the one you like!

All your base are belong to us



thanx john
i’ve been waiting for that

We used to have big issues in school like reading, writing, arithmetic, and world events. What are PC, Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube? Are they new, deadly bacterial viruses in third world countries? Are they famous novels? Are they new, radical spiritual groups in Southeast Asia?

There code names for a very secret spy agency operating off the mexican border.

Are you saying this post is worthless? O yea, I agree with forrestunifreak… OH NO, I JUST GAVE AWAY MY IDENTITY!!! Oh no again, greg has met me before, he knows I’m a harmless kid… OH NO AGAIN AGAIN!!!1111oneonetwominus1 twominusone I have nothing more to go OH NO about!!! OH NO!!!

I figured I should post this, because it’s worth repeating.

Gamecube does not suck, I remember back before it was even in prototype form and called “Project Dolphin” I was sooooo excited to hear about it, and it didn’t let me down a bit, sure there are a few things people don’t like with it, but Xbox and PS2 both have things that could be better. The GameCube is a gamers machine, meant for gaming audiences, and a vast majority of that audience is children, so of course some of the design and creation takes that into consideration. After owning all three major systems(GC Xbox and PS2) for more than a year each, i can safely say that neither of the 3 machines are outstandingly better than the other, The systems themselves are great, and not a problem with it. I think where you get off is by judging a system by it’s games. It shows how little of a true gamer you are…
Wind Waker wasn’t a bad game at all, it well lived up to the Zelda dynasty, the cellshading was cool. Sure, it wouldnt be great for the next Zelda games, but I take it you haven’t seen the preview for the new Zelda game. Mario Sunshie was excellent, and should not be dissed apon, I loved it, a great all around game.

Halo is just popular because it is one of the fewer good games for Xbox. Xbox is the best system, as far as hardware goes, but doesn’t have a ton of games to go behind it, Halo was one of the few that were/are good, thats why it gets so much attention and is synonymous with the word Xbox.

Just thought I should rant bit at your poorly influenced biases. DK, don’t diss game systems, there isn’t a system out there that doesnt have something good to offer. Being bised about gaming systems is just as bad as being a racist.

gamecube is not dolphin dolphin is still coming out :roll_eyes:

No, Project Dolphin was scheduled to come out around when GC did. Gamecube is Project Dolphin, and has been since '99 when it premiered at E3.

Punctuation is a good thing.

That got me at first…

Hey remeber your sworn to SILENCE.shh.

that’s got to be the most balanced comment i’ve read in all the discussions about this issue

a lot of people express opinions
how many of those opinions are based on actual hands-on experience of all the various systems and how many are based on just owning one, and reading about the rest?

I don’t have time for games, you guys should get out and unicycle!:frowning: