The USA has its highest unemployment in 25 years. People in the USA are not buying so many toys. (KB toys --a large chain of toy stores – is closing in the USA and will be having going out of biz sales at all its stores!!! Don’t miss it!)
50% of toy factories in southern China closed this year. They also don’t need cardboard to box the toys they no longer manufacture.
England had a profitable recycling biz, selling the recycled paper to China for reprocessing into boxes and other containers.
England is selling half its usual amount of recycled paper to China, and now is filling its landfills and destroying the environment in England.
Try to continue this chain, or connect global events across any 3 or more nations.
1) 3-4 hundred years ago, many convicts of England came to Australia.
2) In recent times Australia come up with an automotive manufacturer named Holden, who would be making some of the best Australian cars to date.
3) An American automotive company called Pontiac would be interested in the commodores that Australia would make. So they would export them and call them GTOs and gain international fame because of it.
Manufactures of consumer goods like toys and small electronics should switch to using more cardboard for packaging instead of the plastic clamshell packaging that sends people to the emergency rooms. More demand for recycled cardboard, more consumer friendly packaging, fewer emergency room visits. It’s a win, win, win.
It’s all about creating jobs. If a shard of clamshell plastic cuts your finger off, it just means more jobs for everyone else (ambulance, hospital, insurance company, lawyers, and so on).
You sound like the evil Zorg from The Fifth Element. To paraphrase, “Destruction is good for business.”
Did Holden come up with the original Pontiac GTO, or something more recently? The originals date back to 1965 or so. Assuming it’s a more recent car, then there’s the Capri, a popular Ford offering in the 1970s but later made in Australia (by Ford, I believe).
Citizens become very risk averse with their own money.
Washington legislators decide to take wild risks with the taxpayers’ money.
Yoopers is brainwashed against his own governor Blagojevich by an unpatriotic prosecutor who violates principles of justice with inflamatory public statements.
Yoopers gets a government job educating our nation’s children.
Greg Harpur gets a job in a nuclear reactor.
Iran suddenly gets raw materials to make nuclear weapons.
This is more of an event tree than an event list. Connecting the dots seems inappropriate here. Of course anything initiated by Billy is bound to be marginally appropriate to begin with.