competely irrelevant IT work :)

for my IT course we are doing a unit about storing and mucking about with irrelevant data.
for this we need to collect some completely pointless data,
so i made a questionairre about dentistry, because there is actually a huge link between dentistry and IT.

if you fancy helping me along towards an F in IT then please fill in the questionaire below and email it back to me

who know’s? maybe we will find some funky correlation between unicyclists teeth.

*put a cross against those that apply to you
Male [ ]
Feamle [ ]
How much do you earn each year;
Unemployed [ ]
10 – 15 thousand [ ]
15 – 20 thousand [ ]
20 – 25 thousand [ ]
25 – 30 thousand [ ]
30 – 35 thousand [ ]
35 – 40 thousand [ ]
40 – 45 thousand [ ]
45 – 50 thousand [ ]
50 + thousand [ ]
What is your job title? __________________________
How often do you see a dentist? Once a year [ ] Twice a year [ ] Three times a year [ ]
More than 3 times a year [ ]

How would you respond to the following statement; “my visits to the dentist are due to my income”
Strongly agree [ ]
Agree [ ]
Mutual [ ]
Disgree [ ]
Strongly disagree [ ]

thousand what? Pound? Euro? Dollar? Bath? Ringit?

(BTW my visits to the dentist are paid by Health social system … so the correlation is more: do I fear hearing the dentist machinery?)

*put a cross against those that apply to you
Male [ x]
Feamle [ ]
How much do you earn each year;
Unemployed [ x]
10 – 15 thousand [ ]
15 – 20 thousand [ ]
20 – 25 thousand [ ]
25 – 30 thousand [ ]
30 – 35 thousand [ ]
35 – 40 thousand [ ]
40 – 45 thousand [ ]
45 – 50 thousand [ ]
50 + thousand [ ]
What is your job title? unemployed
How often do you see a dentist? Once a year [ ] Twice a year [ ] Three times a year [ ]
More than 3 times a year [ ] (been twice in my life, both times when i had dental insurance + money :))

How would you respond to the following statement; “my visits to the dentist are due to my income”
Strongly agree [x ]
Agree [ ]
Mutual [ ]
Disgree [ ]
Strongly disagree [ ]

good point, i guess whatever your local currency is and i can translate it later :slight_smile: thanks :slight_smile: