Compare Impact to Kris Holm 19 inch

Can someone compare the 19 inch Trails or Street to the same made by Kris
Holm . The unicycle that I am interested in is the upper end ones priced around 590.00 Which one is build with better parts, which one is more liked. Thanks

Are you talking about a “pure” impact? Because UDC often sells impacts that are a combination of impact, kh and nimbus parts with an impact frame. If you are looking at a frankenstein build you have to look at all the parts separately and decide what youd want to change to see if its really worth it.

I assume impact parts are of the same quality as kh, though not really sure. It probably depends on the parts.

The other thing to consider is frame. The impact regent is more versatile with its square crown. The gravity has a round frame. Ive never hit my knee on a square crown, and many trials riders ride kh which also has a square frame.

Given “pure” builds id probably go with the better deal, and id try to get something used off the trading post.