company name?

I’m going to start a mini company where I perform for little(or big) kids at their birthdays and stuff like that. I’ll do juggling, unicycling, devil sticks, diabolo, cigar boxes, and all that other stuff. From looking on the internet, all the names of company’s seemed really cheesy, like “juggling joe” and stuff like that.

Any Ideas?

little kids LOVE cheesy names, keep that in mind. big kids HATE cheesy names, remember that too.

“handmade happiness factory”

They do?

lol I could do, miles the smiles:p

or not…

Miles the Magnificient Muni-ing Magician

or Miles the Maleficent Muni-ing Monster

How about Miles of Cheese?

lol howabout Miles the magician

edit: oops, lol I can’t do magic.:stuck_out_tongue:

How about unisaurus

Miles the Magnificent

Miles, the Alcoholic Clown

The kids love drunks, let me tell you…


Chainsaw Juggling, Inc. :smiley:


the new dinosaur found earlier thi week in nevada will be named…

Amazing Miles?