comp question

i was wondering if i could upgrade my mhz with out taking any of my memory off.
and if i could how much it would cost.

Prolly… But we need more info… What do you have now for a processor? Too old, and you’ll spend more on a new processor than a new computer. How much memory do you have now? Would it be more worthwhile to just get more memory?
Unless money is no object, in which case the answer is to go by an Athlon64 and a Gig or two of RAM (And then buy one for me too! :D)

here are my specs:

intel petium 3 processer
256 megs of ram
its slow as hell

First learn to spell, second don’t worry about the pentium III, i’s not the problem. Upgrade your RAM for now, to something like 512mb at least.

i have a lame dell computer. my computer was really slow so i added a 512 mb sdRAM card, and its the fastest thing ive ever used. now all i have to do is solder in an agp slot because dell didnt. cheap bastards…

hey me too! its gateway though its probably just the motherboard they both use. It makes me mad though I mean the holes are there just not the peice to hold the card! What is that?! I plan to build my own computer soon all by my self well ok with some help of my friend Luke.

I am going to run linux on it because I’m not paying that much money for windows when I’ll just get a virus 2 seconds after conecting to the internet and have to update every month because of the many holes that have to be plugged and the updates fail even most the times.

Oh its going to be the slack wear version too. What do you use evil-nick? Can and might you help me with it too if I run into problems? Also you say he should get a Athlon64 do you like that more then an AMD? I’ve been a little parsial towards AMD but I haven’t really heard much of the Athlon64.

i really want a mac… they came out with a new mac thats 2 inches tall! the mac mini. crazy price too. 499

I am currently runnin on the 3000+ AMD Athlon XP Processor. It’s actually pretty nice.

The sad thing is, although I have 512mb DDR SDRAM, I still want more… its addictive!

Mhz is different from Mb.

Mhz is the frequency your chip is running.
Mb is the amount of memory you have.

IMO, don’t waste your money on more RAM.

Save it up, and buy a new/used computer.

You could try overclocking your chip, but that takes money also.
(you’ll need to buy better cooling, and get familiar with components) There’s the possibility that that 500mhz chip isn’t going to give you much more juice.

On the other hand, you might give us some more info on the motherboard you have. (Make and model) Cuz, I have a 700mhz P3 sitting in storage that will do 900mhz. Now, that will pep things up for you. But, you will need to take your old chip out, and re-prepare your HSF unit for a new chip.

See if you can find some identfiying numbers, and manufacturer on your MB.

Also, If it seems that your system is slower than it used to be…

Check for programs running in the background.
(Use task manager, click on processes tab, write down what you have running for us)

My Mac is only 1" thick. And it came with a 17" monitor and a bunch of the stuff you don’t get with the Mini including a Superdrive (with the monitor up it’s only about 3/4" thick). But I guess it cost a little more (Powerbook). I love it, in part because I don’t have to spend time doing maintenance like I do on my PCs. They always seem to need something.

My home PC has a PIII processor at 600mHz and 1GB RAM. Your small amount of RAM, depending on what OS you’re running, is probably your biggest bottleneck.

Your best bet, as DigitalDave said, is to save your money toward a new system. Every piece of hardware on yours is outdated. All the pipes are faster now. Memory is faster, hard drives pump info through the motherboard faster, etc.

My home PC is from 1999. It’s done being upgraded. Since I now have a Mac laptop, and it runs almost all the software I need to use now, I don’t know if I’ll ever get a new PC at home. Currently I only use it for Quicken, a few games, a few utilities, and testing of web stuff. I guess I’ll always need a PC for testing web stuff…

Even though this isn’t top of the line anymore, this still has a lot of power. It really all depends on what you’re using it for. If mostly for email and browsing the web, then that is just fine.

Today, most computer problems are the result of lots of spyware and viruses being on people’s computer. So, run an adware removal program on it and remove the crud. Run a virus scanner such as AVG, which is free. Go through all the stuff in your system tray (the icons by the clock) and disable the ones that you don’t need to be running all the time. Run the windows update and set it to automatically update, so that you’re less vulnerable to getting viruses.

As far as hardware goes, the best upgrade you can make is to get more memory.

what operating system are you running? if its windows 98 and its been a while since you had a fresh install that might help. more ram for that should be really cheap, maybe a $40 fix and would definitely help. the more info you give us the more help we can give you.

thanks alot catboy that was really nice.
that is exactly why i barely ever come hear anymore.
becuase of people like you who just dis people.


Is “i’s” a contraction of some kind or a lower case, first person, singular possessive that I’ve never seen before? Or is it just a misspelled word?

yes, that is true.
i’s would be a plural for I, which there is no such thing.
Don’t dis someone of spelling if you can’t spell yourself.

Well, if you’ve got Windows 98, take out some RAM… '98 had a bug, above 190 something megs of RAM, it slows down (I proved this on my gf’s computer. She has 128Megs, 256 ran slower.)
Better off just upgradin to a new system. $200 bucks and you can prolly find something decent…
Also, if it’s a 500Mhz system, it can run XP pretty well, albeit slowly. More RAM would help that immensely, but RAM for machines of that era is expensive, more expensive than new RAM types, manufacturing of it has all but ceased :frowning:

Hey Tim, I’m running Gentoo Linux on all 3 of my comps, a 500Mhz k62 Server, my 1.2g Celeron Laptop, and my P4 2.4G Desktop. Gentoo keeps everything uptodate pretty well, but you need a broadband connection to really use it, sice it compiles almost everything from source.

Slackware is a good distro, but if it’s your first foray into linux, you’ll prolly want something like Fedora, Mandrake, or Ubuntu

The Athlon64 is AMD’s latest chip. It’s a 64bit design, as opposed to the AthlonXP and P4 (and everything since the 386) which are all 32bit. Normal WindowsXP runs fine on it (faster than the AthlonXP’s and P4’s), but to take advantage of the 64bit architecture you either have to get a Beta of the 64Bit WindowsXP (I believe it’s free) or run Linux. Some friends of mine have Athlon64’s, and say they’re awesomely fast. I’d get one, but I’ve no money.

PM me if you’ve got more Linux questions, I’m always glad to help people get away from Micro$oft :slight_smile:

Hey man,

Just go to like best buy. You’ll have to spend like $1000 but you’ll get 500 back in rebates. My current comp was $500 after rebates for:

Compaq (numbers)

AMD 2.8 Ghz
512 RAM
120 ROM
DVD ROM (seperate from CD)
More damn ports than I’ll ever need (9 USB’s???)
17’’ Monitor
Mouse/keyboard all that crap
Decent software package

For like an extra some $100 I could have gotten flat screen and all that junk but I was cheap.

The big thing, Like Gilbertron said, is to keep your shit clean. Wear a helmet. I mean install virus and spyware protection.

skip best buy. look in your local paper. some will be selling something in you price range. also, backing up all your important stuff and upgrading to win2k would be a good move. a beginner linux would also run fine on that machine. and for about the $500 obie paid for a complete system i spent about that much on just a new tower that cut zero corners, and has higher end stuff. i’m a bit of a hardware nerd and i don’t like the motherboards used by most big computer companies. few consumers know that the mobo is one of the most important items in there, let alone what brands are quality, therefore they cut corners on that and on other stuff consumers don’t know/care about. I care about all of it so i built my own. i’m sure with a few hundred bucks you could build something pretty decent. especially if you cobble together a few older systems.

I am lazy and not a dork.