I don’t want to clog up the Sport.Rec. forum with this question, so I am posting it here. I have an almost brand new Semcycle 28XL that I just got and wanted to put a handle on and start commuting with. Now on the Trading Post there is a guy that has a RADIAL 360 to trade or sell. I have not sure whether is should just be happy with my 28 and put some miles on it or whether I should trade for a faily inferior 36" just to get the extra rim size. I am hooping to ride in races like Ride The Lobster and I know that the extra distance would pay off, but is this trade really going to be worth it???
How much are they asking if it wasn’t for trading??
Dude’s on the trading post asking $250.00. My Sem is worth $200.00 new
If you wanna do ride the lobster your gonna need a coker or geared unicycle, I think.