This may be a dumb question maybe…But how do you comment pics in the gallery I knew how to do it before but the comment button seems to be missing…?
I thought it was on the left somewere, at least it was last time I noticed it…
Dang man I still cant find it, not since they updated the gallery, if anyone knows how can they take a screen shot or something?
Weird, I can only find it when I’m at MY gallery, I can’t see it anywere else:
tempe.bmp (807 KB)
here ya go
cake.bmp (324 KB)
Thats wierd I dont see that on mine, this is all I see, and yes I am logged in…
Well this is what I see…
Ok this is what I see when I select someones pics, Im logged in and everything yet I still dont see it…
I get that too, the comment button is there on some people gallery’s, but not all. What gives?
Maybe somepoeple have to to adjust there settings to allow comments?
That’s what I was thinking, although I can’t find that setting. Or maybe Gilby is just messing with us…