coments from other people eg were is the other wheel

as a unicyclist we all get were is the other wheel but what was the most original/fun coment you have ever heard my 2 are
“they are just like bikes but harder to ride what is the point”
and best of all “look look !!! mum it is clowns on holiday they have not got any make up on” post replies no un original ones like could you not afford the other wheel unless it was in funny situation

<appears briefly>

My favourite comment was from a man sat in a reliant robin; he stared at me as I rode up, then just said “touché” as I went past.

The trendy comment for this season seems to be “Look! A tricycle!”


I hear that!:smiley: I get that at least three times a day when at the playground. My favorite comment was when a friend who’d never seen me riding said, “I bet you crack up when people ask where’s your other wheel and then act like it’s original.” Good times:) . Oh wait school started :angry: :frowning: :angry: :frowning: . Grrrrr! Least I’m still riding!

Reply to “Where’s the other wheel?”

I don’t remember who the credit goes too, but I loved this come back.

Bystander: “Where’s your other wheel?”

Unirider: “My doctor told me I needed to lose 10 pounds fast, so I sawed my bike in half!” LOL --chirokid–

Re: coments from other people eg were is the other wheel

mine goes to the gentleman who saw me push my uni and giraffe and remarked to his friend ‘that guy needs a welding machine’

One of my friends asked, “So is it like riding a bike with no hands and only one wheel,” and I exclaimed, “well, kinda.”


I rode past two guys at a pedestrian crossing and one of them remarked, “You don’t need a trainer-wheel any more.” It took me by surprise because he didn’t have a question, and he answered one of the most common questions for himself.

My best comment was from a cute MTB girl on the trail (unfortunately she had a boyfriend along with her on the ride).

Her comment was “Do you have a calling from the Lord?”. I liked that. The New World Disorder video had come out that year and the song during Kris’ segment is “Calling From the Lord” by Furnaceface.

i had from a guy
“i’ll buy you the ohter half for christmas” and his little kid said
“mummy when i grow up can i have one of them?”
oh and i’ve had “Hey look! a girl on a wheel!”
and “Wow a girl on a unibike!” unibike bi mean two don’t think they quite get that…


i think we have had some great replys to this thread at the moment i think the “touche” is on the top though i think some could have been more funny if you had of been there.i think some from little kids can be the best eg look clowns on holiday"but keep on posting

The best one I heard was only funny because of who it came from. I was riding along and a police car pulled up next to me. He rolled down the window and I thought he was going to tell me that I couldn’t ride there or something like that. As I leaned over to talk to him he asked, “so, did someone steal the other half?” Surprised, I mumbled about being out to look for it, and he drove off.

To refrence James Thurber,


Re: coments from other people eg were is the other wheel

this might well become one of my fav responses

if u dont mind?

i have never been the best with words as you may be able to tell from some of my spellings but when i get i right i get it right i made it up myself

new one

one of the people from the seaton unicycle club made up a good come back
person in the road"what happened to the other wheel?"
member “it was the wife she wanted half of everything!!!”
there must be some more funny comments from bystanders or now even inclued come backs

Re: Re: coments from other people eg were is the other wheel

I agree! :slight_smile:

I’ve just added it to the list…


hahahaahahaha thats a good one! :stuck_out_tongue:

no more

i had a good come back from my dad
person where is the other wheel??
unicyclist"up the arse of the last guy who asked me that"
or if they are a bit bigger than you and your in a group then point at some one else’s wheel

I’ve already mentioned this in another thread, but as I was riding down a hill a guy in a car shouted “Do a Kris Holm and glide!”

Knowledgeable and spontaneous. But my comeback? Still don’t have one.

My all-time favorite has to be the one john_childs listed – “do you have a calling from the Lord?” – I am now compelled to watch One Tired Guy immediately!!!

Dave Lowell (uni57)