I never really knew about it, until someone mentioned a few years later, and I was like…what?
I grew up pretty sheltered
iremember those daydreams
we had a bomob threat at the hs last year(i was at the ms though) the kids were put in lock down for like 3 ours after the school got let out
then this year some people shot eachother across the street from the school and then went missing for a few hours so we had a lock down. they SUCK
Excellent post! I can definitely understand motivation, and thanks for explaining you didn’t think it was acceptable.
haha, bomb threats, are average is too a year, its stupid though, cause there all fake, thats a good thing that there fake, but then there a huge waste of time
There was a long series on Slashdot after Columbine called “Voices from the Hellmouth” which had the personal stories of kids being abused physically, verbally, and emotionally before and after Columbine. Kids were being suspended for everything from hair style and trenchcoats to being video gamers. Made me glad I was out of school, and hadn’t gone to a public high school. I remember also afterwards the Onion had an article about how new security measures made it safe for the jocks and preps to ridicule and beat up the “losers”.
If I recall, because of Columbine the 1st Matrix wasn’t going to be released on VHS because most “kids” didn’t have DVD players, and there’s that whole lobby gunfight where Neo has an arsenal under his trenchcoat… Pissed me off 'cause I didn’t have a DVD player
Wait; there was a supposed bomb in the building, so they locked the kids in there? Interesting logic…
My school was averaging 15-20 fire alarms a year freshman and sophomore year. It got to the point where the fire department was charging the school $1,500 every time they had to come out, so then the school tried not calling them when it happened, but the alarm still went off in the fire station, so the school got fined even more for not calling.
Has anyone else here seen Bowling for Columbine? It was a big deal when it came out what with Michale Moore and all, so it’s surprising the people that havn’t really heard about the shootings.
Well, there was a school shooting the same year as columbine where people called in a bomb threat and then shot at the kids as they stood outside from cover across the parking lot. I don’t think anyone got hurt, but whenever we had a fire drill or bomb threat (about one bomb threat a year) we joked about it as we stood outside. “Where are the snipers this time?”
We’ve just recently had a lockdown at school (bomb threat) but it was during a French lesson, so all was good…