Collos vs Johanneson

Who do you think is the better street rider, Xavier Collos or Shaun Johanneson? They are both arguably the worlds best riders but who do you think is THE BEST?

for me it has to be Johanneson although it is very very very close!

Johanneson. Hands down.

johanneson is more flip tricks and collos is more flatland and big street so there hard to compare

I enjoy Xavier’s riding more. He’s got this incredible style and flow. Although, Shaun is also good.

What’s the point of this thread?

Yeah, why did you do this?


i like Xav’s style of riding alot. im not a big flip trick fan

MuniAddict is better.

I posted this thread because at FLUCK Collos and Johanneson will be competing in the street contest and i wanted to know who people think is the better rider! Whoever wins at FLUCK would be the BEST!!!

as i said before Shaun is more of a flip tricks rider so you cant really compare them

well looks like there gonna have to be compared

Well, they both stand no chance because… (drum roll) I’m going!!!

Shaun is the best at flips, but Xavier got such flow. I think Xavier will win the street competition. But Shaun is a lot better at flip tricks.

Aparrently Johanneson has been putting down alot of Tripple flips so whoever is competing against him is gonna have their work cut out!!!

diff styles i think. maybe too difficult to compare.

[threadjack] i went to secondary school near where you’re living coleshill!![/threadjack]

Johanneson. Collos is too much flatland for me personally. I think Shaun would do better in an actual contest. But who cares, let em ride for fun.


They have a very different syle but I really like watching Xavier better…Shaun is better at technical flip tricks, but Xavier I think is better at all around street+flatland.

i’d say that they’re both the best at their own styles.
myself, i like watching Xav more but Shaun is equally insane.
(Shaun has better music for his vids though :wink: )

Shauns videos tend to bore me after a little. Xav videos are more versatile and aren’t just flip after flip after flip.

Shauns a great rider, and I know he is capable of doing flatland and some big street moves, but in his videos, he mainly focuses on a few locations, with a lot of flips.

Xav, I know he is capable of a lot of flips, but he always mixes his videos up with big drops and sets, flatland, and some great street.

Both are great riders, but video wise, I enjoy Xav a lot more. If I could ride with them in person, they would both be great riders to ride with.

Yeah thats how I feel too. I really like Xav’s flatland stuff, he is creative with his new combos and stuff, they all look visibly different unlike flip tricks.

shaun knows how to complement his riding with witty skits and antics