Maybe have Wal-Mart colleges, where the profs and janitors don’t have a health plan. And the college makes as much in a week as the profs make in a lifetime…
Maybe have Wal-Mart colleges, where the profs and janitors don’t have a health plan. And the college CEO makes as much in a week as the profs make in a lifetime.
I suggest getting rid of affirmative action alltogether.
If I have the choice between an exceptional white male, and an average black female, and I choose the white male, nothing should be made of it…he was better, he got the position…
But that’s not what this is about. They’re rejecting BETTER female students so they can enlist (that’s probably not the right word) more males just to get the ratio up.
Big corporations do the same with employees. It’s all about being ethnically diverse, yo. Everyone is the same, but we’re all unique.
I agree…not everyone should get equal rights! er, they should, I guess, technically, but it should be based not on the color of their skin, but the content of their character.
I think that all schools should be made more ‘child friendly’. At the moment they (at least in the UK) are the antithesis of childhood. Kids are made to sit still and listen/write/read for long periods of time (although I think this is getting better for the younger ones) when this is totally not how they are naturally (especially boys). Children should be empowered to learn in a way that more invovles their natural energy, enthusiasm and curiosity. Through more real life experiments, more computer interaction, more working together with other children.
Make schools more children-friendly (instead of geared around teachers), that’s what I say.
Of course it’s racist. It’s a bunch of politically correct merde de taureau, if you will pardon my French.
Everyone knows people should be hired based on ability and qualifications. Oh no! I just discriminated against people who aren’t qualified and lack ability!
The whole concept of affirmative action just infuriates me, though, because sometimes, they do take the underqualified Latino dumbass over overqualified white kids