Cold Reading

Does anyone here know how to cold read, or even just know what it is? I’m learning it right now, it’s really very handy and fun to use.

Cold Reading is a technique used by mentalists, hypnotists, supposed ‘psychics’ and the like, to understand more about a person. You begin by observing your subject, make assumptions based on their appearance (For example, a goth lesbian is most likely NOT conservative, and they either lack political views or are liberal).

Then, you go on to state some Barnum Statements, which seem very specific to the subject but actually apply to much of the general populace. A few good examples are that most people sleep on their sides, most people fear rejection, and most men prefer women with long hair, while most women prefer gold jewelry to silver jewelry.
Instead of saying “You prefer women with long hair,” say, “I sense a lot of women with long hair in your life.” Not only does this apply to most people, but even if a man had divorced his wife, then remarried, his new wife would share some very common characteristics to his ex.
In fact, most people have a drawer/cabinet/closet door in their home that doesn’t quite close properly. Most people also have a box of unsorted photos, gathering dust in their homes.
The last two statements are great, because they seem even more individualized. They really gain the attention of your subject, and gains much credibility as well.

Another popular technique is the Rainbow Ruse.
The Rainbow Ruse is a statement that offers a positive trait to the subject, but contrasts it with the opposite. This works because the subject will ALWAYS accept a positive reading, but because you neutralize the positive with the negative, it fits everyone. For example…
I see you are generally very outgoing and social, but occasionally prefer to find yourself in isolation.
I sense that you are generally a very nice and caring person, but when someone does something to break your trust, you feel a deep sense of injustice that is hard to hide and hard to let go.

These statements work for everyone, because it’s impossible to deny… and to the subject, the statements seem unique to them. The best part is, Rainbow Ruse statements can easily be invented. You could find tons of them if you sign up for a Daily Horoscope, too. Yes, the horoscopes use these techniques.

If any of you have ever seen a Psychic/Palm reader/Mentalist, etc., they were most likely using these techniques. That’s not to say they didn’t have a… gift, to say, but they very likely didn’t. Frankly, anyone can use these techniques.

I hope everyone liked this post… I found it interesting. It’s a good way to amaze your friends, too.

Dude, you’re giving away the mentalist/psychic/dog-whisperer secrets! You’re threatening their livelihoods and they’ll be after you! :slight_smile:

Ever notice that the ones that claim they really have a gift are the ones most resistant to proving it by any form of objective means? This is in direct proportion to how much money they’re making by using those techniques you just described.

Haha yeah!

Funnily enough, paranormal phenomenon has a habit of going into hiding when tested under proper scientific conditions. That’s why the $740,000 reward of James Randi has yet to be claimed! :roll_eyes:

These are really fairly interesting techniques to use though… so long as you aren’t taking advantage of people. Fun stuff if you’re bored, or need to make a good impression on a person.

Actually there is currently (In February) $1,023,500.26 in the JREF Prize account. It is the Million dollar challenge. Do you know if there is still a clock measuring the time since Sylvia Browne accepted the challenge but has yet to show up for the preliminary test?

I haven’t the slightest idea. It’s been several years though, certainly.
I was pretty young then, so I don’t really remember, and I didn’t care much either then.

It’s amazing that she would accept the challenge even with all the outrageously false readings she was doing then. Randi was right to publicly label her a fraud.

What? Are there psychics/mind readers/dog-whisperers that aren’t frauds?

Sarcasm? :frowning: Hah, I’m not good with sarcasm… especially over the internet!

If it wasn’t sarcasm… I highly doubt there are legit psychics/mentalists, etc. It seems a bit implausible to me, anyway. Alas, that’s merely my humble opinion.

Update I did a Reading on a person from school I did not previously know, and was spot on! I felt accomplished… before I realized that controlling people isn’t always a good thing :stuck_out_tongue: !!!

Once I master CR, on to Hypnosis!

I think cold reading is a blast.
Very very handy when you use it to manipulate people, also a good conversation starter if you can read certain interests of people and act/BS like you have the same interests as them. I never do it on anyone I would like to gain a friendship out of though, just random people I know I’m never gonna see again.

Hypnosis is pretty fun too.

yeah they are the smart ones who win the lottery and never use it again

Some people are better at it than others…

I am a full time magician. But only a part time mentalist. I have books on cold reading. But that part of mentalism is not strong in my mind yet. A lot of magicians get full time with mentalism with they retire from magic. It will take me a lot of years until I retire from mentalism.

@MilosBoy: when I was a teen I used to practice such tricks (these were taught to me by my mother and grand-mother)…

but having an appropriate “look” helps a lot (we had a terrible “gipsy” look in the family -black hair, olive skin and green eyes-) so people were from the very start willing to hear whatever we were saying with the appropriate voice and face :stuck_out_tongue:

(too bad this is no more true: convincing people is harder than ever :o … may be I should dye my hair before talking to my boss ;))