Hi…I will keep this short and sweet. 5/15/2003 - Thursday between 5:00 and 6:00 PM. In Saint Petersburg, Florida, at the Gateway Mall area. I was sitting at a traftic light waiting to turn left and I saw something that made my day. Are you sitting down? I’ll wait…want to know what I saw? promise not to laugh? A Guy on a COKER, yes the BEAST of Unicycles. A COKER… He crossed the intersection across from me, went about 1 block or less, then turned left and crossed the street to my left, across 6 lanes of traffic at rush hour. It was so COOOOOL Whats the big deal you ask? That is only the second person that I have seen in this city on a unicycle. The first on a COKER…That is one big unicycle…I have to get one. He had just the plain chrome one. He was a good rider also, you could tell he has alot of time on a unicycle. If the rider is a member of this Unicycle community Email me so we can get together. I have alot of questions and would like someone to ride with now and then. Do you feel lucky? Make my day. Ride a COKER. Bye…Keithmj
this may sound stupid…
wots a corker?
Damn amazing! thats what it is!! As keith so beautfully put it, it is THE BEAST OF UNICYCLES!!!
A coker is this:
sugar look at the wheel size! goes fast i guess that is one big wheel! it dwarfs my little 20" wheel:p
The great thing about them is because the wheel is so large they have a lot of momentum, meaning u give the pedal a push and it will go…and go… and keep going for ages! This makes going uphill nice and easy, and if you get the rhythm just right u can keep it going with very little effort and you click into autopilot mode. I would be riding mine at the moment, but
a) i’m meant to be revising
b) its soggy outside (not that i usually mind, but when my mum comes back she’ll know ive been out on it)
Ah, work avoidance… I know it well…
I did ask my dad whether he wanted to come cokering with me but he came up with some lame excuse about having to pic my sisters up from school. I think hes scared of the rain.
Hey keith, ive been trying to find a picture of a coker small enough for my avatar! where did u get that one from???
Creating an Avatar from something large like a Coker
Easy. Just resize the image. You could use any picture editing program like Photoshop or something like that. If you don’t have Photoshop you could use a smaller cheaper alternative. I use a program called IrfanView. It is free to install and has many of the features that the other programs have like resizing and cropping and a few simple special effects. It also converts files between the different formats like gif and jpg and bmp.
Hey thanks for that rowan! I’ll try downloading it but our computer is slow and crappy. I had problems with the avatar i use at the moment; I did it in paint first of all, then realised it had to be a gif or jpg, so had to put it onto floppy (took me ages to find one) to transfer it onto the laptop so i could photoshhop it. First floppy was dodgy, secomd one worked, but photoshop didnt like converting it. Managed that eventually, then tried to put it back onto the floppy but that floppy didnt like it and the first one did. then put it on here eventually.
Hey, I like your Avatar just the way it is. …You can change it if you want. Just Kidding. I used Axialis Icon Workshop 5. from www.Axialis.com It is the best so far that I could find and you can try it for 30 days. Enjoy…If you want I can do one for you like you have now just let me know…Bye…Keithmj:)
P.S. I also noticed that your website hasn’t been approved yet? In case you didn’t know you have to upload it first and then they check it and if it passes then it will show…
Yeah, I havent had any time to do anything yet, busy revising for GCSEs, doing homework, getting annoyed by little sisters etc. I’ll proabably do it over the summer holidays sometime.
About the avatar, I’ll tell you what I intend to do as long as no one steals my idea before I get a chance to make it…
The little writing under my name would say cokernut, and the pic would be a frame of coker proportions, but instead of a wheel there would be a coconut. But, seeing as you like mine as it is I’ll stick with this one for the time being.
this day and age, we need more ‘peace’ than we need ‘nuts’…
You may well have pursuaded me there Gild