Coker or wait for Harper's geared uni?

Keep in mind sir that your new unicycle can’t be certified as foolproof until it’s been tested by an actual fool. I volunteer…

You can have free entry to the NZ unicycle weekend if you bring your prototype along :stuck_out_tongue:

If you come to Hawaii, I’ll personally put together a Hawaii MUni weekend to which you will have free entry AND the seat of Honor. Even if I don’t have a MUni.


Humph! Well, if Harper comes to the NZ Uni weekend not only will we give him free entry and a seat of honour and rename it the Greg Harper NZ unicycle weekend, I will personally wax and polish his prototype geared uni. So there :wink: !

I think you should milk this as far as it’ll go greg, maybe someone will offer you food and bed, free entry, round trip plan tickets, polishing of your hub and frame, seat of honour, AND the renaming of the event.

Good point. I’m holding out for the transportation.


Come to New Jersey, Greg, and I’ll take you to ride over where Jimmy Hoffa is buried and MUniing at any number of superfund sites.

And you don’t even have to bring Blueshift if you don’t want to.

Oh, but you can’t stay at my house. Sorry.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Joisey

Show me the transportation.

Re: Re: Joisey

Sorry Greg, gotta save some money to buy the hub one day.


Re: Re: Joisey


Coker Coker Coker! It is a different beast altogether! Someone give the guy a ride on one! carjug-Chris Bogardus from Boone NC, I have a futon and you can stay at my house, bring toys…