Coker Big One rim brake, backwards?

Wondering why Coker decided to put the rim brake in the front of the frame on the Big One. The side where the cable ends rubs on my leg constantly.

I thought of just flipping the frame around backwards. Frame looked symettrical, but would this cause any issues?

The other solution was to modify the spacing on that one side between the brake pad and its mount, so that the mount moves in closer.



On mine, the brake is in the back. Maybe it’s been backwards all along. (It was that way when I got it.) No problems so far!

Coker advertises it the same way on their website, and the slit is on the back of the seat tube (opposite the brake side) which puts them in front. I’ll just flip it around. I’m wondering if the slit in your seat tube is the same way?

I’ll check it when I get home. (Don’t forget to swap the crank arms around if you flip the seat around.)

I was just going to dismount the frame from bearings, flip it around and then flip the seat around. So seat and the whole wheelset with cranks would be in the same position as before. Only the frame would move around.

i think hunter frames are built with the slot in the seat tube facing forwards.

They must have changed last year. Mine is 2yrs old and the brake mounts in the rear and the tube slit is in the rear also. Handy in the rear because my rack mounts to my brake lugs.

I wonder if coker is having quality issues. I purchased a big one in July 2013, the break mount and the seat slit were/are on the same side (the behind side). However the cranks were mounted backwards and the pedals would loosen surprisingly quickly. After the thrird time retightening I dismounted the wheel and turned it around … Easier than pulling and swapping the cranks. No probs since.

I bought this one used in april of 2011 from another member, who had bought it from someone else, who had used it for a few years he said. So I’m not sure how old my coker is. They must have placed the mount in the front because of their bicycle background?

Oh nevermind, I dug through my old PMs and found out mine is a 2008 version.

I don’t know if it matters really, but if it’s hitting your leg I’d turn it around.

Also, I have read in a few places that if the slot on the seatpost clamp is on the opposite side from the slot in the seat tube it clamps more evenly. I think this is why the Hunter frames have the slot in the front. And on those frames I believe it is correct to run the clamp with the bolts in the back. If you did the same it certainly wouldn’t hurt anything.

FWIW. I checked mine at home. The seat tube slit is on the opposite side from the brake mounts (the brakes are Maguras). I think it’s about 5 or 6 years old (I bought it used).

There are valid arguments for the tube slit being either on the front or back but there is no good reason to have the brake in knee-strike territory. Flip the frame.