Coker 2 wheeler

Has anyone noticed that John at in the US is selling Coker
wheels off cheap!
I would love to see the first person to build the ultimate 2 wheeler. A
Coker one! The front bike wheel is exactly what is needed! I might see if
John can send one over to me. :slight_smile:
When someone builds one… can I have a go.


The UK’s Unicycle Source writes:
>Has anyone noticed that John at in the US is selling Coker
>wheels off cheap!
>I would love to see the first person to build the ultimate 2 wheeler. A
>Coker one! The front bike wheel is exactly what is needed! I might see
>John can send one over to me. :slight_smile:
>When someone builds one… can I have a go.
I believe that Coker Co (or whatever it’s called) initially marketed
36"-wheel bikes and then found a market for unis…not the other way
'round. I have ridden a Coker Bike, and it’s pretty cool (and weighs about
60lbs). It’s hard to mount but cruuises beautifully.


Co-founder, Unatics of NY
1st Sunday / 3rd Saturday
@ Central Park Bandshell
1:30 start time after 11/1/01


It was not a 2 wheeler bike I was wanting it was a Coker 2 wheeler unicycle.



The UK’s Unicycle Source

----- Original Message -----
From: “David Stone” <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Coker 2 wheeler

> writes:
> Has anyone noticed that John at in the US is selling Coker
> wheels off cheap!
> I would love to see the first person to build the ultimate 2 wheeler. A
> Coker one! The front bike wheel is exactly what is needed! I might see
> John can send one over to me. :slight_smile:
> When someone builds one… can I have a go.
> Roger
> I believe that Coker Co (or whatever it’s called) initially marketed
> 36"-wheel bikes and then found a market for unis…not the other way
> 'round. I have ridden a Coker Bike, and it’s pretty cool (and weighs about
> 60lbs). It’s hard to mount but cruuises beautifully.
> David
> Co-founder, Unatics of NY
> 1st Sunday / 3rd Saturday
> @ Central Park Bandshell
> 1:30 start time after 11/1/01 writes:
>It was not a 2 wheeler bike I was wanting it was a Coker 2 wheeler
You are mad.

Have fun!


Co-founder, Unatics of NY
1st Sunday / 3rd Saturday
@ Central Park Bandshell
1:30 start time after 11/1/01