Coca Cola Unicycle Factory super bowl ad

Coca Cola had a neat ad that featured some animated unicycles. The ad is called Happiness Factory.

You can see the ad at

It’s also on the CBS Super Bowl Ads web site. Go to the 3rd quarter ads.

This RealPlayer link should also play the ad.

can’t get it up on any of the links

They are also on
John, you have an amazing eye to be able to spot that.

I should have suspected that YouTube had them. Here’s the YouTube version.

The CBS site has been suffering due to load. I was getting various time-outs trying to get the videos to play. It will probably do better once the load decreases.

edit: fixed the YouTube link. The video itself is private. Hopefully this link will work.

man, i saw that in a movie theatre a dog’s ago. perhaps for Flyboys

i assumed superbowl ads were always new.

not that i watch the superbowl, but canadian stations pre-empt the commercials with canadian, run of the mill, everyday commercials

You’re right. Here’s a posting of the same commercial on YouTube from June 2006.

It’s a new one to me, or at least I don’t remember seeing it before. I don’t go to theaters so if it’s showing before movies I’m never going to see it.

I’ve seen that ad a few times at the movies with friends methinks.

They are very interesting. When I first saw it I almost jumped outa my seat :stuck_out_tongue:

I was very excited ^.^


this ad is now is always on the brazilian tv

its so cool

Yeah, I saw that last night watching the ganme.

You got to love Coke. :smiley:

I saw it last night during the SB…didn’t notice the unicycles, though. Cool!

I saw this last year sometime when I went to the movies…I still find it cute and amusing. XD

Yeah, I saw this a few months ago when I watched a movie.

Kinda lame they reuse old commercials for something so big as the SB.

it’s an awesome ad what does it matter if they reuse it but then again i did think it should have something to do with football considering it was the superbowl

lol I spotted that in 2006 but thought nothing of the fact there were unis there :roll_eyes: