We’re starting a Unicycle group in Halifax, and looking for some suggestions for names… or to referee out fight! The fight right now is between Halifax Unicyclists Club, and Halifax Unicyclist club. So… basically should there be and s or not? I was gonna make this a poll but I dont know how oh well
no s
my opinion
I’m not going to be any help…
Halifax Unicycle Group.
Based on some previous threads you can’t have enought HUGs.
I’m more partial to Unicycle than Unicyclist or Unicyclists.
“Halifax Unicycling Club” I think is the gramatically and politically correct name.
Then why isn’t it the Twin Cities Unicycling Club instead of the Twin Cities Unicycle Club?
Because when we changed it from Twin City Unicycle Club to Twin Cities Unicycle Club, nobody listened to me.
How many members are in the HUC?
We have the same problem with our club name:Montana unicycle nutcase instition,Montana unicycling nutcase instition,Montana unicyclists nutcase instition?
haha… right now, 4 members, but we put flyers and stuff up recently, so hopefully more…but theres not many unicyclists around here.
keep the 'Unicyclist"
it’s about the people
alternatively, go for something like The HalifaxiUniDocious Riders
and adopt Julie Andrews as your patron
finally, i like the HUG idea
Before we decided on “One for the Road” my gang considered “The Spinning Wheel,” One Wheel Wonder" and “Unibombers”
for best effect i guess that should be
The SuperHalifaxilisticUnicycleDocious Riders
which also gives u the nice accronym of SHUDR
c’mon!, how often are u going to be involved in the naming process of a unicycle club in a town/city with an ‘X’ in it’s name? don’t waste this opportunity, one day your musical-loving, unicycle-riding children will thank u
mmm, maybe i need to do some work instead
Huh,ours has only 4 also!
with 2 or 3 "could be"members.
Wow thats great to hear. What time do you meet, and where? If I’m ever in the city I will pay a visit. I like HUC and anything in between. You might be able to get more members if you have Nova Scotia in your name too, like if they were to search for it on the internet or something. But I do love HUC.
Also out of curiosity who is in it? I know Dillman on the forums is a unicyclist and he has a brother who rides. There’s also a kid who lives up the street from my cousin who rides. His name is Allen and he might have a brother. Come to think of it they might be the same person, I mean Allen and Dillman could be brothers. I was at Jack Kauss’ Bike shop looking for a tube once and he said how at one of the other shops there was muni guy who worked there. At Hub Cycle in Truro the guy told me about an amazing muni girl who used to cross country ski, and muni’d with Kris all the time and was in contact with him. It could be you I don’t know. Also you might want to check out the Bluenose jugglers association/club (can’t remember the name). There’s bound to be some there.
Of course then again maybe you are perfectly happy with 4 members and don’t want anyone else, in which case I wasted my time and apologise.
I would be able to get you Allen’s number if you wanted.
This is exciting. Keep me/us posted.
PS. I live in Antigonish, 2 hrs away from Halifax. Gild made me laugh with his X comment. Edit: Not meant to be related, but they could be haha. I’m guessing only a Nova Scotian will get that.
Actually, why be limited by the city name or variation thereof. Penguins in Bondage has always been a good name. Freight Train to Pain is also one of my favorites.
Remember, it takes twice the woman to ride half the bike. But it only takes a tenth of a brain to come up with a name. Collectively, we haven’t shown you the tenth of a brain, yet. Sorry to hear about Spike, he was a sharp dude.
Then why don’t we have an official name for our unofficial Seattle area riders group?
We do. It’s Greg Harper’s Unicycle Riding Club and Boutique. You’re president and founder and you have an obscene annual salary.
Then my first order of business as president will be to get that name approved by the rest of the group.
Two things:
The acronym GHURCB is the sound my lungs make after a hard ride.
My apologies to kristine for participating in this flagrant thread jack by the GHURCB. Did you decide on your Halifax name and acronym?