Club meeting, special guest and pizza

Yea! School’s out. Time to celebrate. So at tonight’s club meeting, we rode for an hour, then the pizzas arrived so we ate for an hour. Several of the kids brought snacks so on top of the pizza, we had brownies, cookies and lemon squares.

We had another surprize when Steve (Sigurd) showed up to ride with us again. Steve’s out of college for the summer and home in Rockford, about a half hour to the north of us. He and Ben took turns throughout the evening teaching each other tricks. Steve also had an opportunity to cruise the neighborhood on my Coker, possibly his second or third time on the Big One.

Afterwards, Steve and the other Steve(Machinehead61), his wife Patty and son Michael retired to our home to enjoy a relaxing time of cool breezes (about 65 degrees :)), conversation and leftover pizza. Thanks Steve for taking time to spend with us. Overall, an absolutely great evening.

In the picture, Steve (Sigurd) tries out Brad’s microbike in the back of our driveway while Steve (machinehead61) looks on.


The seat on that mini bike is way too high. That makes it entirely too easy to ride. It needs to be shrunk down so it looks like the Semcycle mini bike. That’s what a mini bike should look like. :slight_smile:

Yeah, any veteran runt bike rider knows that. Here’s a shot of Harper demonstrating the proper seat-height-to-leg-length ratio. Actually, he could have lowered it a bit more. He took the easy way out pretty much all day long.

ride n feed0016.jpg

Why does it cost $300.00??? Thats a lot of money for a mini-bike. I have a razor mini bike that I got for the holidays or something, it only cost like 25.00 bucks. I mean Semcycle is probably much better quality but I couldn’t get myself to buy that for that much money.

Razor makes them in very high volumes in China or some other 3rd world country. Semcycle makes them in lower volume and in a way that is much higher quality.

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Those are great! Thanks Bruce. Friday was fun, as usual. Man, I think I need to put a Coker on my wish list. They are a lot of fun.

Lookin’ forward to the parade tomorrow!

What are micro bikes for…? They look boring after awhile…

They’re neat to look at, a blast to ride for short bursts, and fun to show off. Brad wanted one for Christmas one year so we got one. Just one more of the toys.

But I’m convinced that the only mode of transportation less efficient than the microbike is the paddleboat.


You can also have races on them if you have two or more of them. A short 20 meter race is plenty long. Or a simple obstacle course race with cones to weave around. Loads of fun for a birthday party or any other event.

The cranks on ours are 70 mm or possibly shorter (I haven’t measured them) and square taper. I thought about installing them on a Coker just to try.

I remember the Japanese rider in Seattle that rode in the 10K with 70 mm cranks. I don’t remember what size wheel he had. Was it a 29’er?


The cranks on the mini bike might have a smaller taper than is standard for unicycles and normal bikes. Some kids bikes and kids pedal toys come with pedal spindles that are smaller diameter than normal and consequently have a smaller taper than normal. My mini giraffe (Fleet mini made in the UK) has the mini cranks with mini taper.

The Japanese and Chinese kids were racing on 24" wheels. Some with really short cranks and others with the standard 125’s for racing. The 24’s with mini cranks race in the open category. The 24’s with 125’s race in the standard category. They use their 20" unis for freestyle then also have a 24" for the racing events. Probably no room in the luggage for a 3rd uni. Make do in the marathon by going with really short cranks.