Clown Sticker

I found a new sticker for my muni the other day. I’m not anti-clown or pro-clown, I just accept that they exist, and they have never bothered me. Thought this sticker would be cool for my muni, so here it is.



Re: Clown Sticker

Great sticker. Where’d you find it?

Would that the whole world thought like you. :slight_smile:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Re: Clown Sticker

I found it at a punk,goth,heavy metal store called “Hot Topic”. I had to cut it in half and line it up so it would fit on the frame, but it still looks OK.


Re. Clown Sticker

Well done Mojoe. A very good job indeed. Just like a pro.

Re: Re: Re: Clown Sticker

There was a time you had to go to New York, San Francisco or Chicago perhaps to find a “punk,goth,heavy metal store” called anything. Most excellent! :slight_smile:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Re: Re: Re: Clown Sticker

I agree, I ask the clerk, “Where was this store 13 years ago?”, when punk rock was hard to find in the Mid West.

Mojoe (32 year old punk)

From what I remember, Hot Topic used to not be punk, Goth, and heavy metal. You can find the store in the mall, and it used to cater to the mall-types (you know, teeny-boppers). But I could be wrong. I’m not a Hot Topic History expert.

I remember they used to sell a bottled soda called “skullteens”. They had different flavors like “black lemonade” and “Brain Damage”. I remember one variety touted that it turned your feces blue…yes, I tried it…and yes, it did. I can’t find their webpage, they might not exist anymore. Interesting product.

Wow, that’s a slick tire for a MUni. Must be a Fireball.

BTW: That’s a kick @$$ sticker.

oh, and I too like Hot Topic, it’s the only place I know of to get Flogging Molly Tees