My Unicycle clicks about every 1 or 2 pedal revolutions, and i can feel it on my left pedal it a soft vibration and i was curious if u guys know a way to reapair it or what ever, im kinda thinking my pedal might be loose and im gonna go check it out
your bearings in the pedal may be going bad, the reflectors my be loose, or your spokes could be loose, try doing a quick check-up on your uni to see if it gets fixed, and take off the reflectors cause they will just break off anyways.
IF your pedal bearings are shot, some pedals you can get knew bearing fors, but usually you can get a good pair of pdals for about 10-15 dollars.
ummm it could be your cranks … i suggest making SURE that they are not loose before you ride anymore at all
sorry to threadjack, but i need to know
my 05 torker DX keeps clicking (more of a clunk) that i feel only when jumping @ high speeds (longer hops) and slowing when I hit the ground
what is it? i tightened the cranks (maybe too tight), one of the pedals clicks but just barely (i doubt its this) and i tightened the spokes reallly tight 2 weeks ago
My Uni clicked then my shoes started falling apart I figured out that the bottom of my shoes were rubbing on my cranks and would catch so I put my feet further out on the pedals, and what do you know the annoying clicking stopped but my shoes are still falling apart.