'clever kids'

Just wondering if this has ever happend to anywere else: where i live there is practicly no unicyclers what so ever so when i am out riding i get quite a few smart ass kids with there remarks and stunt bikes. One had the nerve to challange me to a “drop off” i said why certainly. He pulled off just under three foot. I, on the other hand, pulled out all the stops and attempted droping off this ledge nearly six foot up. suprisingly my nimbus trials held up and i landed it first go. He did not look to happy and i thanked him for i never would have the motivation to do that without him. it still backfired, now i get “look there’s that crazy unicycle guy with no balls”
Seems i cant win.
but they will all die of drugs and binge drinking soon.
then i shall urinate on there graves.

HAHA i liked the last part… but i am in the same situation

Nimbus trials are so underrated, I love mine.
And it holds up too.

And, in time, the Spelling and Grammar Police will urinate on yours.



grammarpolice.bmp (289 KB)

I get the same stuff, but now I am starting to be an ass to people who say dumb stuff like that.

One guy came up and was laughing and ask " Hey, can you do a 180?" I do a 180, “I bet you cant do a 360” I do a 360. He then asks, “How can you do that, do you have to sit on your nuts, I bet you dont even have any”

Once we said that I answered him, “Are you serious? Do you really think if are nuts got hurt from just riding that anyone would want to do this? Why would you even sit on them! It is common sense to move them out of the way!”

I said that in a very assful of a tone, but it got the point across.

lol there were these two kids that were BMXers and they thought it was awesome that i could ride they said they might even try when they get money. also they asked if i was a pro cause i could ride in dirt and jump up/down curbs lol.

keep it on the down low, but i am actually on the run at the moment. i here the grammer police are also after an up and coming punk-rock group Panic! at the Disco

i have been in that situation before. there were about 20 guys on BMX’s and mountain bikes at some skate park. one of them wanted me to jump off a park bench, i said i would only do it if one of them did it. they kept shouting out random crap to pay me out, but then i jumped off the bench and landed it. i went over to them and asked one of them to do it, but they were way to chicken for some reason, i mean its only a park bench. now they haven’t tried to pay me out since.

yes that is the scenario. they undererstimate thy uni

i need an attachment on my uni that can hold the sheath/scabbard of a sword

i presume one would then place a sword into the sheath/scabbard and use it in ways which to scare off unruly youths? or just swing widely and stab shit? or maybe you just think sheath/scabbards look cool and would be a neat addition to ones uni for the image concious, new age rider?

Nee-narr! Just when you thought you’d left the Grammar Police behind, the Spelling Police have set up a roadblock!


When people ask if it hurts to sit on my nuts, I explain that when BMXers go off jumps they aren’t sitting on the seat (or their nuts), they’re standing on the pedals. Same applies for when you’re unicycling.

Do you ever get any of the “Man, you must be ball-less or something” comments?

I’m sorry to interrupt your riveting conversation, but… “Nee-narr”? What the hell?

(it’s a siren)

Hmm, i like to use the ‘i use them for cushining’ idea which i heard somewhere here…but only if im with freinds, not sure why:)

One guy asked me if I really planned to have children sometime in my life.

I usally just say “I don’t really plan on get fathers day presents one day”