Clerks II

Thoroughly vile, udderly hysterical, kinda touching.

Good to hear, although I still think the first ten minutes of Chasing Amy is probably Kevin Smith’s finest, er…ten minutes.

Where’s Ms. Aylerly or whoever when you need her?

Miss Ayelery will understand. So will you if you see the movie.

I like milk.

This movie was hilarious. I went with some friends, and since then, we’ve been saying some pretty dirty stuff… it’s bad.

Glad you enjoyed it and that you don’t spend all your time at the LL Bean store.

yup, it was super funny…though it’s mostly kyle saying the dirty stuff (apparently he is unable to control himself)

-the only good time to go into l.l. beans during the summer is in the middle of the night-during the day tourists are EVERYWHERE!!

While I was eating at a restaurant near the movie theatre, I was shocked to hear a pre-teen explain to her mom that she wanted to see Clerks II. I hope her desire to see it is based on peer pressure rather than having actually seen Clerks. :astonished:

There were a few kids in the audience. One woman was there with a kid who seemed 10 or 11. Either a mom with bad judgement or one of those teachers you read about.

Agreed. I’m going to go see it again. And again.

I should bring an inflatable donkey with me. And wear some leather.

We were talking about the film at a restaurant today and I almost called one of my friends a porch monkey, until I noticed a very muscular black man sitting at the bar next to us… it got me thinking, though, Randal makes a good point: slurs don’t have to be offensive.

LL Bean is Freeport. It’s sad. I go there as little as possible because it’s always packed. Mid December is nice.