Our President thinks the current spying laws are too primitive and has pushed Congress to pass a classified bill to modernize their spying capabilities. An unclassified version has been released, but no doubt it’s lacking a lot. According to this analysis, it’ll allow the government to get recodings of all international phone calls and all emails, in mass, to then filter out.
I just don’t get how people can trust our government. Who am I kidding, it’s not even our government anymore.
When’s the last time you heard someone say, “go ahead, it’s a free country,” in response to asking permission for something?
Ouch! Please give a warning when linking directly to PDF documents. A good general rule for any Web developer.
From what I read, I can understand why they want to be able to detect “evildoers” by generally scanning phone conversations. In fact I highly doubt they are not already doing this; they just want it to be more legal. However I also understand why we have the legal rights we have been granted in the past, and why they are more important.
Stop terrorists at the cost of our freedom and privacy? That’s kind of like letting them win, isn’t it Mr. Bush?
a friend of mine is off to work for the UK governments electronic surveilance people. im not too impressed. any one ever [dared to] try the old urban legend of sending an email with bomb in the subject line, imediately before one without the word bomb and found the bomb one arrived 2nd?
i get your point - but you say “even the 9/11 hijackers” as if they were the really crap unsucessfull ones…
Are you suggesting that someone will “stop” an email and read it, or something, before sending it on its way? I just thought they collected data as all the zillions of messages pass through the networks. You think people would notice if some of their mail got delayed while others didn’t.
Okay, we notice this all the time with email on our Sidekicks. But these are totally innocuous emails like “When are you coming home?” I just blame the network and coverage…
Yes, we can’t stop all terrorists. But that’s a good thing for the Bush administration. That means the “war on terror” never has to end. It’s nice when you can keep the definition of your enemy nice and vague, so you can adjust it as necessary to perpetuate the “fight” as and how it will best serve your interests.
Just what I was thinking, they’re the people responsible for the biggest terrorist act on American soil aren’t they? Doesn’t that make them pretty hot, in terrorist terms?
It is quite ironic that the whole purpose of a constitutional republic is to secure the rights of the people, and yet they can get away with what they’ve done.
i think the story went that when there was a “target” word such as bomb in the message or the subject line it would get bounced to another server and filtered some more for dodgy content and would take a couple of seconds longer to get to its destination so if you sent one message after another they would arrive in a different order.
that kinda thing has been around for a long time. i was surprised the other day when someone told me that your internet history by law has to get saved by your ISP for 7 years (i think).also in the UK on many roads and bridges such as the Forth road bridge and the london congestion charge there are cameras that log every car registration plate and store it for police use for several years. big brother is deffinately watching.
Either the empire will get bigger before it collapses, or people will get a clue and let the transition to a liberty loving society go smoothly sooner rather than later.
Looking at many of the laws passed in the last several years, there is a huge parallel with the laws that Hitler got passed. Even if Bush doesn’t take advantage of these new laws, someone down the line just might.
On the up side, Ron Paul has done very good on the online polls since the first GOP debate, winning all of the ones he was in… the establishment sure doesn’t like it. They (the big media) still claim he is unelectable and are making other excuses for his success or are just plain ignoring the results.
I just watched that RP video…if that’s an unbiased video that accurately depicts his views (especially on economic issues), the we. need him as president. I’m glad I can vote in the next election.
Unbiased? It reflects his voting record and the clips are from the GOP debate. You can watch everything he said in the debate here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peBGJwE9NXo
You can also find the entire debate on YouTube, and possibly still get it on politico.com.
Yeah, likely a false flag attack will occur to get us into a war with Iran. If you don’t have a driver’s license yet, you may want to hold off, as that is how they are getting people to contract them self into the draft. I picked up a license application from my local DMV, and it has the following text before the signature:
Geez, I’m watching this debate, and about half way into it, I think Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are the only ones who are actually answering questions. I disagree with a lot of what Romney says, but at least he’s actually straightly answering questions.