CKCrowe: Don't look in here.

yeah, its not bad.

go to a beach in france if you want some good sightseeing;)

Dude, you must be Mormon.

Everyone else, save a click, read it here:

you know we all wish this was a porno website :slight_smile:

That’s cool! :smiley: “lol” was 'cause he said “everybody” and that’s obviously not the case . :slight_smile:

For the love of (whatever you choose), quit jumping all over CKCrowe because of his personal beliefs. Aren’t we, as unicyclists, supposed to be tolerant? Don’t publicly humiliate him just because you don’t agree with/understand his morals.

Or should we start tarring and feathering again, just like the old days?


but no one ever said stop posting pics :wink:

Hahahaha, nice.

He was humiliated? I took this all as a playful joke. More power to him it would probably be a more decent world with people with a belief system like him although I don’t. Each to his own. I didn’t mean to actually offend/anything him or anything I know I was kidding around.

I do understand the post I just like to nit-pick.:stuck_out_tongue:

No little kitty! Don’t look behind the green door. There is pr0n behind there. :astonished:


I didn’t jump all over him, I told him not to look in this thread because I knew he had no interest in it and didn’t want to see it.

Hahaha. Poor cat… Left on the outside this time…

you married alreay?

Okay, “Lol” is probably the largest threat to the world today.
Even larger then fags!!

“lol” is an addiction.

so is cocain! :astonished: shoot me for not spelling it right if you must

I just got tired of all the “hahas!” Lol! :sunglasses: LTM: Laughing to myself?

But you can always go.

Actually, I doubt that anyone really cares if you lol just as long as you don’t get addicted.

If you do, I’ll have to kill you.

Hehehehe! I think Unicaw holds the “lol” over-use record!:smiley:

For sure, man…
puts on ninja mask and catches the next plane to Cali

Might want to wait before you put your ninja mask on till AFTER the plane ride.