anyone no anything about them i have been on there website and i want to go there when i’m older! anyone been/studied the
Re: Circus Space
I don’t actually know much about them, but there are lots of people on the rec.juggling newsgroup who do, I believe.
Here is a URL for a google search on it in rec.juggling:
Also, here’s a URL for a google search on them from alt.circus.arts:
Perhaps you can find someone who can provide you with more info from one of those newsgroups.
Good luck!
Raphael (who wishes he had taken his mother’s advice and run away to join the circus) Lasar,
Matawan, NJ
Thankyou very much JJuggle i will take a look right away
wow thankyou!
i found some great links and loads of info on other UK circus schools i’m determined to prove all the people wrong who just laugh when i say i want to study circus arts/performance when i finish school thankyou again
Glad you found the links helpful.
And by the way, I’ve said it before, but in your case it is particularly pertinent. If you’re interested in circus, especially in Europe, you should give serious consideration to subscribing to Kaskade. It is billed as a juggling magazine, but is truly much more than that. I can’t see how you’d regret it.
By the way, what do your folks think of the circus idea?
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ
well they sort of don’t really take it seriously but i said to them i’m not messing about i am seriously considering a career in the circus arts so i think no they do belive it’s not just a laugh and they are pretty surrportive and mum even suggested that if i was goign to do even more circus stuff then it would be good to do some kind of acrobatics or trapeze club so at the moment i’m trying to find out if there are any clubs in plymouth
Good thing you told me about Kascade now because my birthday is 3 weeks tomorrow so i no what’s going on my birthday list now… (along with a new unicycle helmet a nice red one
thanks for all the help + info
very good thinking, that’s the kind of backround that’ll stand u in very good stead
who is the poster from somewhere in europe who’s doing a circus-audition sometime this year?
he might have some good suggestions for u as well
if i remember his name i’ll post it
hah! found him
it’s hopefull
he mentions the name of the circus school he’s auditioning for in this thread
if he doesn’t respond to this thread, PM him
he might have some good suggestions for you
One thought about circus space. They are very good at juggling and arial, but do not have a tutor who is a unicycle specialist.
If you are serious about going to one of the circus schools in the uk I would check out how Trevor Schofield is doing because he went to the other main circus school in the UK, Circomedia last September. He is as far as i know the only unicyclist to be enrolled in a circus school in the UK.