Next semester I’ll be getting funding from CCSU in central CT to form a “Circus Arts” club. Anyone on these forums live around here? I’m in New Britain. It would be really cool to meet some people who were interested in unicycling, but also juggling, acrobatics, poi, diablo, fire play, ect.
Anyways, can anyone who’s been in a similar club or group give me an idea of what to expect, or how to run things?
On the Juggling Database there are some articles on running a juggling club/convention, you might want to check that out.
Also the WJF is in Hartford, CT this year, if you get the chance you might want to go check it out and maybe get some publicity for your club. But I’m not exactly how sure an organization like the WJF would be to something involving poi, unicycling or fire play. They have a very extreme “technical juggling ONLY” attitude.