Ciao, introduction and request for help

Hi, I’hope is the right place in the forum to introduce myself, I’m Paolo, designer, and no…I don’t have a Unycicle eheh,yes I’m a biker but I’ve never tried to ride half bike eheh ;).
I’m here to ask some tips about 36 inch tyre, and Actually I think you have the bigger experience in this field.

I’m going to check if is possible to build a prototype of my last design.

a 36" bike, built not for giants, but for normal people.

I’m redesigning the bike using more commercial parts, and the tyre is a critical point, I’m looking for the smaller ( section) 36" tyre, but i want to know also how they work in real life, and I hope you can help me.

for the moment the choice is the coker 36. the ribbed one, and then next step will be to find a good rim.

thanks a lot, sorry for the broken english, ciao Paolo

Not so sure if I understand your question. But about 36 tires. Go to
they make at least 2. They also sell a 36 bike, I think. I saw a vid a while back where ancient motorcycles on a rally stopped at the coker factory for the night. They had a guy riding a 36 uni around, and also a guy riding a 36 bike.

There is also a TA tire, smooth tread. I like mine, it rolls quiet. Unicycle . com would be the best place to check for those, and rims I would guess. A rather niche market, besides UDC and Coker, well, that’s all I can think of.
Because all the weight is on one tire, and they are designed for unis, they are going to be a bit heavier than you want for your bike. To bad, only coker can fix that, and they haven’t yet. They make a lot of niche tires, but I don’t think they have a skinny 36 bike tire. Market is to small, even for them, and they have a tire for your 1915 Harley. Desoto, Packard, Studeabaker, easy. They got it all, but your bike must be happy with the fat uni tire.

thanks a lot for the reply, actually I’m looking for the smaller 36" tyre, coker has the Ribbed, the weight actually is not a problem ( of course, will be better with a lighter tyre, but has you said, the market is too small and there are only few products).

TA tyre is smaller than the coker one ?

i will ask to coker the technical size of the tyre, for TA i can’t find a official site, it’s based in USA ?

You know we hate bicylists here

I’m only helping you because I hate everyone, so I am forced to be open minded.

I’m not seeing the TA tire at UDC now. Not so sure if you can get one. Google may be your only friend now. So git, scram you stupid 2 wheel rider. We hate you guys here.

thank you for your hate :slight_smile: nice link, looking for the avaible tyres probably is the coker ribbed the only one , I hop that will not be too heavy.

I will check also in the chinese market, maybe I can find some new brand

Thank you for your politness

I am most famous here for my rudeness. And I especially hate Italians. Gonna run up next to me on my 86 Honda and rev your Ducati. I know all about you guys. Hate you.

But yeah, after we get tired of insults, and back to tires, the selection is not great. The 36 bike market is even smaller than the 36 uni market, which is so small, we often called 36’s here “Coker’s”, cause they started that size. Google all you want, but UDC, and some other uni places (google) , are kinda it IMHO.

That frame is like an M.C. Escher picture. The 36" tires and rims we use on unicycles are all very wide. It doesn’t look like they would fit next to the frame like that. You may have to get something custom built.

yes, for this reason I will redesign the bike to fit wider tyres, or at least I ll check if this will be possible

eheh yes, just found some chinese brand that maybe have 36 tyres, but it’s not easy to have technical info from these, we will see.

and I have a 1976 honda eheheh :wink: