Chupitos 900 music?

Hey, everyone knows the Chupitos 900 movie right?

Not about the tricks now, whats the music? Th first song.
Dang I love the music, but I can’t seem to find it.

Best part I understood from the lyrics was:

Does anyone know the song?

Strange, couldn’t edit anymore.

Typed wrong, the part I quoted is:

I wouldn’t mind knowing this myself…

People, if you don’t know you can just bump this. I would like to get an answer, but if this drops to second page, no answer will come.

EDIT: If you search the lyrics I posted, this thread is the only result you get…

I’m assuming you may want to download the song or have it. Well my strange way of getting songs without knowing the name of is by…
Plugging in speakers, putting the computer volume, youtube volume and speaker volume FULL BLAST. Put the speakers next to the MIC on your laptop/computer (Don’t forget to have earmuffs or run out of the room). Open up the Sound Recorder or download one. Press play on youtube and press record on the Sound Recorder and you record the whole song into the MIC. If your determined to get it you may as well give it a try lol :smiley:

Rather increase the mic sensitivity than having the speakers running at “full blast(sic)”.
Very few typical sets of PC speakers will remain undistorted at “full blast(sic2)”.

If you do what Unisykolist said, you’ll have all of the unicycle sounds in it. There aren’t a whole lot, but there’s some.

why not just ask the guys who made the video? either on here, youtube or by email

Probably wont reply… :thinking: :o

I have the video downloaded so now i just cut it a little (so there is only the song and backround sounds). I am now using an audio extractor to get the music on mp3.

I now have it on my phone/mp3 player. Only some sounds from the clips…

If you don’t ask, he’s GUARANTEED not to reply…

I just did it using audacity, was easy and fast. No need for the speakers to go full blast, just record the wave.

Indeed, there is one unicycle sound u hear.

I tried, but no reply, I sent them a message 2 weeks ago.

Indeed :slight_smile:

It’s not that I need the song. That’s easy. More I want to know the artist, and the title. Preferably the artist, because I like the type of music. Also, if I have the real data of the song, I’m willing to pay for it :stuck_out_tongue:

The wave ey? Im downloading it now and I’lll see how it works.

I’m messing around a little, but do you still record into the MIC?

dude, just download the videos… that way there is no need to BLAST it and maybe still get a it a little disorted.

The artist is Omnikrom and I guess another rapper, they always do songs with more than one artist anyways. You’re lucky you can’t understand what they’re saying.

Sorry, I don’t know the name of the song and I couldn’t find it by tapping the lyrics too.


Ask, Loic will probably answer. He’s always using his YouTube account…

Thx mate :smiley: But I do understand most of what they say :stuck_out_tongue:
Thx for the artist, you’re the first usefull answer :slight_smile:

I asked (monodu25 isn’t it?) but no response whatsoever.

I sent a message to Omnikrom’s myspace, in English, and French. Maybe they’ll answer.

Why couldn’t I edit my last post? :thinking:

Because you tried to edit 40 minutes later… I think you can only edit 15ish minutes after you post. When you find out the song make sure you post it here.