Howdy guys. I just wanted you christians to throw in a prayer for my grandpa who’s in the hospital for his gallstones. It’s not just that, he’s 82 years old now, and he’s going “down hill”. Just pray for him, and his surgery/recovery please. That is all. Thank you.
Would have walked around the world for my grampa, grab all the time with him while you can, you still will wish for more, happy to pray for ya’ll
Sure, Seth, glad to.
I’m going to wish your grandfather the best and assume you didn’t really mean that you don’t want everyone’s best wishes or prayers.
One God, One Love.
Musketman, your grandfather is in my prayers.
Ah…thanks you guys. Im going to visit him today. I heard from him last night, and he said he had trouble breathing, then it just went away just like that. He is doing good now. The prayers are kickin in.
Best of luck to the old man.
he’ll be in my prayers.
I’d like to try and ressurect this thread. I hope MusketMan is not offended at my using a thread started for his Grandfather’s health.
I think that the Christians of this site should continue using this as a thread to post any andl prayer requests. Chances are people will try to turn it into a debate thread. I encourage all of you to ignore that. We have plenty of places to debate, and Lord knows how often threads will turn into that. Simply post in here anything you are praying about that you would like us to also pray about. If you don’t believe in God, and don’t want to mock us, I’d love to have you look over our posts (and make your own prayer requests!) and be a well wisher.
Maestro8 - I will be praying for you to experience God.
WickedBob- same thing
Thanks… I guess? I’ll let you know if I experience him. I’ll have enough respect not to debate in here.
Nice of you to give up hope for me.
Why such segregation? Only Christians are allowed to pray here? 54 years after Rosa parks refused to give up her seat to a white man and there are still Christian only zones? I am deeply offended by this thread. It is full of ignorance, prejudice, and hatred. I would be down for a “Pray to whoever, or even nobody whatsoever” thread, but this has gone too far. Humanity at it’s worst.
Good to see it back.
If you can fit them in, my friend Donnie and my sister Jordan. Both are having some trouble right now trying to get their lifes back on track. My sister isnt too bad, but Donnie needs all the support he can get to at least start something.
Please, let us stop this prejudice and segregation. To those of you who wish to still post their prayers, and also wish to stay free of sin, please post your prayer’s here from now on. To those of you who wish to continue posting their prayer’s while sinning at the same time, you may continue posting here, but I warn you, post here at your own risk.
Ill pray for Pele too.
Can we open this thread to more than just Christians?
Most unicyclists are Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist, and I think we should welcome ALL to pray here.
Billy, check my thread. I had already created a designated all-purpose-prayer thread. Read 2 posts above yours for the link.
i know, pele, but you know what happens if we all pray in a different thread …