A pardon me dear, is that the clatter of a choo choo?
I believe it is…
Pardon me, Roy,
Is that the cat who chewed your new shoes?
to true, to true
I think it is too also.
“Gene Wilder - ‘Pardon me, boy. Is this the Transylvania Station?’
Young Boy - ‘Ja! Ja! Track 29! Oh, can I give you a shine?’
Gene Wilder - ‘Uh… No, thanks.’”
Our dear ol’ Rochelle.
pardon me, but why is this not listed on the forum direction page?
i believe it is? idk what i’m doing here… i feel lost right now.
Dammit, you beat me to it.
Am I too young, or too uncultured?
i dunno, I’m confused. Oh I say that every day its gettiing old now… STOP CONFUSING ME! (please:))
too uncultured, google “Young Frankenstein” and it’s pronounced Frankensteen. btw
I’ve seen that movie, and I love it. I guess it’s just my horrible movie-quote knowledge coming into play.
hooray movie quotes!
Had you been drinking too much wine again Tom?