Chicago outlaws foie gras

Some useless ordinances.

Foie Gras production is really fucked up though.

  • they do not know what they are losing! (strange that pleasures should be outlawed)
  • well some pleasure could be outlawed IF they hurt somebody else (or kills you)
    I just do not get the point.

my home country (SW France) is covered with farms that raise ducks for “foie gras” -well now it began to be more “industrial”-. nonetheless those who think we are torturing animals should visit those farms and compare to what happen to chicken and pork in their home country!
at a friend’s farm ducks are so addicted to food that they come to be fed on their own volition! that reminds me of something … what could it be? :roll_eyes:

(this said there are problems: right now it’s so hot that ducks die from over feeding)

edit: there was a cartoon about a french mafia dealing in wine, I’ll start one dealing in foie gras!

It’s not the government’s job to be your parents.

Well said.

I’ve always wanted to try foie gras…it looks good. They use it on Iron Chef all the time (the real IC, not the fake American crap).

Thanks for making that clear. I can imagine the rolls of the eye you would have gotten had anyone here thought you watched the American version of IC in addition to or, God forbid, rather than the original. :wink:

I didn’t know there was a difference…while we’re on the subject of weird foods, I’ve always wondered what tongue and escargot are like…I’d like to try them.

Don’t even start. You know as well as I do that Sakai could own the hell out of Flay any day.

Is it time for resurrection? Yes, yes, I believe it is! Give this a go.

untitled.bmp (264 KB)

You are such a sentimental old fool!

Every time I read the thread title my brain reads Faux Grass. Why they would outlaw Astroturf or oregano I’ll never know.

That was a good laugh for a Thursday morning.

Onto the original thread-topic.
They’re looking at limiting the use of trans-fat oils in fast food cooking and people are complaining?
Are people f-ing stupid?
That might be the single most sensible legislative proposal to come before any governing body at any level in all of the YouEsAye in the past godonlyknowshowmany years, and people are knocking it?
Don’t you people watch oprah?

what’s the difference between the real ic and the American ic?

Is it just english subtitles?

The complaint would be that it is something that the government shouldn’t be meddling in. That’s a job for your mother, not the government. We have a society that thrives on choice and the ability to make individual choices. The choice to eat foods cooked with trans-fat oils is one of those choices.

There are lots of things that are just fine in moderation but become problems when consumed regularly. Lots of those things happen to taste really good. I don’t want those choices to be taken away from me.

The correct way to tackle the problem is through education and not outlawing. If the council members are concerned about their constituents eating unhealthy foods then they should work on an educational campaign.

And the people in the fine city of Chicago need to vote those idiots out or recall them ASAP before they do any more damage.

What’s next? A mandatory maximum volume level allowed for the iPod? Can I wear the same underwear two days in a row?

Like your reading habits?

Not quite the same. The President isn’t restricting the ways people can cook french fries or popcorn.

Here’s a related story that I read today. That’s probably why Americans don’t travel much out of the country. If we don’t cross the border we have a little more privacy.

People who have things to hide, and even those who don’t, are going to have to learn how to encrypt everything and make sure they don’t do things that leave digital crumbs (like pictures in a browser cache) laying around. PGP full disk encryption should be getting more popular.

Are you actually trying to equate domestic spying with health-related legislation?
Should the goverment also not meddle in the emmisions allowed from factories.
Cause it’s your mother’s job to tell you where you can breathe?

No. I’m trying to unequate the domestic spying with health related legislation.

Regulating things like factory pollution and consumer protection laws is completely different. Choosing to eat french fries fried in trans-fat oil is a personal decision. With education a consumer can avoid it if they choose. Pollution by factories isn’t the same at all.

What we do to ourselves is our own business. The government doesn’t need to protect me from the foods I eat, how much sleep I get, how much exercise I get, or even things like which recreational drugs are legal and which are not.

Pollution is different because it affects other people than just the person or business producing the pollution. It affects society, it affects other people, it can put great expenses on other people to clean up later (think super fund sites). There are very legitimate reasons for regulating pollution.

Should goverment then legislate on consumer-education?