Check out this weirdo I found on facebook!


that would be me

What a handsome looking example of a unicyclist.

worrying that that can track down my facebook account

Lol hey! That’s me!

How did you find me?

How did you do that?

Well I’ve now found his account, but he is private.
How did you find mine, Dennis?


edit: I just realized. It’s the profile picture of whoever is currently logged in.

Lol that actually freaked me out for a minute…that’s pretty cool.

Wait what? I’m still confused? :thinking:

EDIT: I got it now!


How do you do that?

That reminds me, I need to change my facebook picture

it shows my picture. that is weird.

i don’t see anything

I don’t get it either

Neither do I, was there a link and its been removed or something?

It shows your facebook profile picture. If you don’t have a facebook then I guess nothing shows up.

Basically what he has done is posted ‘something’ that makes whoever is looking at it see their profile picture from facebook, but they have to be logged in to facebook. Comprendo? :slight_smile:

EDIT: Damn you beat me by a second, dudewithasock

lol, yeah, what they said. :slight_smile:

What’s the code?