hi everybody
i was just checking ebay for unicycle’s when i found this “nimbus” wich obviously is a mission it even says its got a kh saddle
hi everybody
i was just checking ebay for unicycle’s when i found this “nimbus” wich obviously is a mission it even says its got a kh saddle
In fact it loks like almost every line of the description is wrong, i particularly like “cornered crown making tricks like one-footed riding and stand up tricks easier” which is both ambiguous and incorrect.
The description is taken word for word from here on unicycle.uk.com. I recognised the mispelling of “eyeletts”…
It’s 4:30 a.m. and I can’t sleep so I’m cranky. I sent the seller a comment through the Ebay login. This sort of thing gets my dander up (I should try a different shampoo I suppose). Here’s what I sent:
I usually don’t do this sort of thing, and I’ll try to be as friendly as I can, but you are engaging in gross false advertising with this ad. Is it intentional? I hope not for your sake. As a member of the unicycling community, I can say that this really hurts our efforts to present unicycling as an up and coming and genuine sport to the world and we don’t appreciate what’s happening here. I suggest that you either revise your description immediately before you get in serious trouble for your false claims (it’s copied word for word from a company’s existing ad and most every line does NOT describe what you’re selling) or pull the auction all together. If you’d like help in understanding exactly what you have on your hands, log on to unicyclist.com and enter the forums. We’d be glad to help. Just don’t follow through with your current discription. It’s not right.
i quite like the 6203 40mm Sealed bearings
Bruce, you beat me to it. I’d planned on doing the same thing, but my comments would not have been so nice;)
That’s terrible!
I hope others on this forum write to the seller to try to get him to accurately describe his unicycle.
The unicycle only has 36 spokes and no sign of the KH seat!
Someone in Liverpool needs to win this auction, pick it up to save shipping charges, then give NEGATIVE feeback. That’ll teach 'im.
Don’t everybody bid it up though.
Really? Maybe teach him to create a new account each time he wants to mislabel what he’s selling. Then again, looks like he already has that trick learned.
Thats hilarious,I like the BMX pedals haha.
Got a response from the seller. Here it is and my response back to him following:
> Bruce"
> hi, I would appreciate you informing me as to what
> is wrong in my description exactly as as far as I am
> aware it is true. Thanks for your help.
> Thank you,
> jennsellerjenn
Sure. Be glad to help.
First, you copied your discription word for word from this site: http://www.unicycle.uk.com/shop/shopdisplayproduct.asp?catalogid=477
Roger Davies is a great friend and supplier to many, many of us in the unicycling community. You are stealing advertisement posted on his website.
Secondly, here’s the advertisement info you used. I’ll go through it line by line and show you where you are misleading your customers.
20" Nimbus II Unicycle
>The unicycle you show is a cheap uni with a hard seat, lollipop bearing holders, a low-grade marking tire, and a low-quality seat post clamp. I can’t quite make out the brand name on the fork but it is definitely not a Nimbus frame. Take a good look at the unicycle in the link I listed above.
Frame/Fork: 20" chromed Nimbus II frame with cornered crown making tricks like one-footed riding and stand up tricks easier.
>The unicycle you show has a rounded crown (the portion at the top of the forks on which the seatpost sits) and is NOT good in any way for one-foot or stand-up skills.
Hub: New, extra strong, UDC wide-flange CrMO hub
>Can’t tell much about the hub but with the low overall quality of your unicycle, I seriously doubt that it is as you say. I can tell that it is NOT a wide-flange hub though.
Bearings: 6203 40mm Sealed bearings
>Again, can’t see the bearings but same comment as the one about the hub applies.
Cranks: 114mm lightweight Aluminium alloy freestyle cranks.
>The appear to be standard steel cranks (is that rust on the crank surface? Hmmm…aluminum doesn’t rust), they appear to be 140s not 114mm.
Pedals: Large platform, plastic bmx style pedals, 9/16inch threads.
>BMX? They are standard Wellgo pedals common on low to mid-range unicycles.
Rim: Lightweight, box-section, aluminium rim with spoke eyeletts.
>I’ll give you this one. The rim you have appears to be aluminum and is a box style.
Saddle: Kris Holm Saddle, well padded saddle for more comfort with front handle and rear protective bumper.
>One of the worst offenses here. Check out this link to see a real KH saddle: http://www.unicycle.uk.com/shop/shopdisplayproduct.asp?catalogid=174 The saddle on your unicycle says Chafe City to us.
Seatpost: 400mm long, 25.4mm diameter knurled anti‑twist seat post with red paint.
>I see you added a bit of your own discription. “Red paint?”
Tyre: Large volume 20x1.95" non-marking bmx freestyle tyre, with Schrader valve inner tube.
>Okay, give you one more here. Sometimes the words freestyle tire are interchangably used with street tire. This is not however the desired tire for serious freestylers and would not be allowed in most gymnasiums due to it’s high carbon content and it’s affinity for marking floors.
Spokes: 48 Stainless steel 14G
>Can’t tell.
Seat Post Clamp: Black Aluminium quick-release clamp.
>It is a semi-quick release meaning it doesn’t require the use of tools to release. But it is probably steel and the tack-welded type of clamp found on low end unicycles.
But, thirdly, your most serious offense is in the following statement taken from your auction listing:
Let me just say, my good man, that a “BIKE” is a two-wheeled machine. This machine has but one wheel, thus aptly identified as a UNIcycle. Where I’m from (the unicycling community), ‘dems fightin’ words.
Again, I highly suggest that you either revise your discription to fit what you’re trying to sell or pull your auction listing all together.
Please let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Just to let you know, I have also sent a copy of this email to Ebay security.
its red, not chome… RED!
You’re right. I forgot that part.
Edit: I sent the comment to the seller in a followup email.
atta boy bruce. i particularly like the " ‘dems fightin’ words " part
way to go
It’s a good thing that “protecting123” has bid on this item (with an outrageous bid, i hope?), as who knows who might otherwise fall victum of this auction.
What’s regrettable is that now that he/she has a bid, they will be unable to change the discription.
“Current bid: £5,000,001.00”
That’s absurd.
It’s most likely someone from here making a statement with an outlandish bid. It sure would be fun to run the seller’s price up higher. But I wouldn’t want to jeopardize my Ebay credit rating, and its more complicated to establish a new user name on Ebay (involves credit cards) than it is here.
$9,239,001.3338 USD.
And i still have a bunch of £ (quids), but not nearly that much.
dudedude is beating out protecting by 1 pound. C’mon protecting, you gonna take that? Dig deeper into the wallet, man!