Chat room

I think that would be great if got a chat room…and there could be different chat rooms for different subject like, the unicycle discussion or the just conversation and it would be great for asking questions about products in the trading post.

There actually used to be one with the old layout…I guess it’s gone. People did use it occasionally. You can just use MR to chat with other users though (:

(sorry but im a semi-noob to forum abbreviations)

Most Replys

wow…i feel stupid…

don’t we all sometimes?

Real Gabbly Gabbers Gabber with other Gabbers on Gabbly. :thinking:

Ive never read your sig :wink:

I would use a java client or irc interface with this site. I love chats. Instant gratification is one of my favorite things.


Or… you could just go to [THREAD=21964]Most Reply’s[/THREAD], when someone else is there…

Damn you, I closed my browser again!

MR does a horrible job as a chatroom, being that everytim eyou post you get just that. A post. Rather than just whatever you typed under your uni name. In a one line or two line fashion. Easier to follow, and what not. It would be cool if they got a chatroom. I’ld log into it everytime I got on this webside.

-Shaun Johanneson

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; if there was an IRC chatroom used for this site, I’d frequent it.

How come you’re not using Gabbly, then?

:frowning: no one is on gably with me