Another person for you republicans to hate.
-Shaun Johanneson
p.s. I’m stoked off of this.
So some celebrity I’ve never heard of agrees with some weird conspiracy and suddenly I’m supposed to hate America? nothxkbai
The 09/11 conspiracy theorists do assemble a compelling although thoroughly refutable argument regarding 9/11.
What amazes me is that these people think our government is organized and well oiled enough to pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude.
If our government really is that finely tuned, the amazing part would be the ever-convincing front of incompetence.
I don’t know why people think that celebrities are intelligent enough to be authoritative on politics.
You’ve never heard of Charlie Sheen? I really don’t have an opinion on this, it seems bad yet plausible that 9/11 could’ve been planned but I don’t really buy it.
P.S. Thanks Shaun
You certainly don’t have to be a republican to marginalize a kook like that. I know many dems, moderates, independants, etc who think he’s simply nuts! But he has a right to be an idiot.
Sheen is an idiot, along with anyone else who still “doesn’t get” how the buildings collapsed after having it explained in detail. Being a star doesn’t make you smart, though it somehow seems to make people think you’re smarter than they are.
What are the compelling parts? I’ve heard a few scraps that were interesting, but nothing to make anything hold up as a whole.
Exactly. Add that to the gullibility of people who think this government could have pulled that off.
I’m giving him mad props for speaking for himself. Instead of simply (without question) believe everything going on around you.
Well you are on the right track not giving any credit to our goverment, but the wrong idea. I think it’s less likely that simple old peeps across waters could come over here, organize, take flying lessons (without being tracked, or even looked at) and do this crazy planned out system. I think that’s much more unlikely than a couple governemnt people getting together and organizing how they can all get paid (oil guys, oil, Bush has an oil company, and the middle east has a lot of oil). Remember, times on their side, they’ve been planning it (or for you nonbelievers, could have been planning it) for months and months. It doesn’t take a genius to fool idiots. (Man I was doing so well explaning my part without an insult, sorry, kinda sank down to republican’s level, damn it, I did it again.)
-Shaun Johanneson
Hah, you’re right. Even Noam Chomsky doesn’t believe the conspiracy theories around 9/11.
Rosie O Donald believes in it too, and she’s only the biggest idiot around!
What they did really wasn’t that complex. The hijacked some planes and flew them into buildings while we had our pants pulled down.
Much more complex is the idea that our government faked the whole thing and completely covered their tracks. I don’t think they could have pulled it off if they wanted to. While I believe that our government is full of greed and ineptitude, I don’t think GWB is so evil as to plot the murder of thousands of Americans.
I just said that but the other way around. Dude do something else with our words to have be believe you, don’t copy my structure.
Of course she is, she believes 9/11 was a set up. Don’t any of you know that any one that believes it was a set up is the biggest idiot around.
You’re right flying planes into buildings isn’t that complex. But getting into the planes, with the weapons or what not, and the training, and organization in the plane, hmm, seems a bit complex. Or maybe you are giving no credit to our flight programs and security (but wait Shaun, they greatly hightened our programs after 9/11) yes, because before I could easily wake in with 15 of my friends and hijack a plane(sorry 4 planes), No problem.
-Shaun Johanneson
this isn’t even worth arguing…
I agree. Calling people sheep for not agreeing with you[r worthless theory], sweeping generalizations, and blatant hypocrisy don’t tend to make good arguments.
I mean if the government can’t hide them breaking into a hotel how could they hide this?
Haha, that was great.
I didn’t really have an opinion on this, Shaun showed me some vids and well. I have to say, I am uncertain, I am leading towards a set-up… But then again, I haven’t seen any movies to persuade me the other way.
Very convincing videos.
Does it take much organization to pull something like it off? It’s all in the executive branch of the government.
They can appear disorganized to most of us, and most of our representatives probably are, but it only takes a small portion of the government to be organized to do something like this.
Throughout our history, it only takes some pawns in the legislature to slip in nessesary items into bills that don’t get fully read before voted on. It has happened and it has slowly eroded our liberties from us. They can get away with slipping in more things when they instill lots of fear in the people, and they have since 9/11. Patriot act, military commissions act, etc. The executive branch has been given more power by the legislative branch.
Until the government releases hard evidence, such as video of the plane hitting the pentagon or an explanation as to why WTC 7 fell (which contained many government agencies), the verdict is still out.
As in a court system of today, they can only plead guilty or not guilty on these charges. Innocent is not an option.
Well if Charlie Sheen believes it, it must be true.