Chalenge for BC wheelers

Hey there. Just thought id ask and see if anyone has done or thought of doing a backflip on a BC wheel,

Would look so sweet


huh, you talkin to me?

Theres a foam pit at the boston skatepark I could try it on, I can defenately get the air to do it, Its just landing it…:slight_smile:

Ill think about next time I go there.

I think it would be very possible, alot easier than on a uni.

once I get my BC/learn how to ride it well, and find a skatepark that has a foam pit and appropriate ramp I’ll try it.

anyone know of a place like that in San Diego?

Woah, you have it all planned out, haha.

The landing would be so much harder than on a uni…on a uni you can use the cranks to stop your rotation, on a bc it seems like you would just slip right out unless you jam the wheel into your leg.

Ha, and miles…get good at the bc before you even start thinking about backflips, they will be harder than you are thinking.

The landing would be so much harder than on a uni…on a uni you can use the cranks to stop your rotation, on a bc it seems like you would just slip right out unless you jam the wheel into your leg.

Ha, and miles…get good at the bc before you even start thinking about backflips, they will be harder than you are thinking.

You know, something like…I dunno…A disc brake or something like that might help.

haha. lets see you try it then:)


Your whole disc brake set up is going to be way to heavy to backflip with…and I thought you were going to make it so it can’t lock the wheel.

his plates weigh like .5 pounds though and yours weigh 3 pounds… :astonished:

Yeah spencurrrrrrr, Na Na Na Na Na Na.


I had an idea from Evans hole riddled frame that he sold.

would it be possible to drill a bunch of holes into the bedford long plates and have it retain their strength? I’m wondering more becuase it would be nice when carrying it places and picking it up.


It would look awesome slick, but it would be SO hard. Getting the roatation would not be too hard compared to landing the thing!

Anyway, if I ever get good at BC, I sooo want to jump into one of those foam pits. They look like good fun :).

At the moment his plates are light but when you add on his beefed up hub with a 20mm axle, the disc, calibrators and that disc brake stuff I bet it will be more than my trials bc with bedford plates.

Drilling a lot of holes in bedfords probably would be a bad idea. If you drill holes in the vertical part it might bend. The bottom might be possible, I wouldnt risk it since it wouldn’t take off that much weight.

^^^^that’s what I was thinking^^^^

True, but with a blackflip, you are being launched into the air, The bc will be pretty weightless to you. Its not like a hop.

I don’t think so. Maybe if you were on the moon…

When people were talking about this same thing before someone who could do standing backflips said he wouldn’t try it even with heavy shoes. A heavier BC would be harder to get to rotation in, I think.

We just have to wait, Bryan will probably be doing them in a few weeks and he can tell us how much weight matters. :roll_eyes:

True, but Bryans bc weighs more than he does. Not to mention, backfliping on your feet is all self propelled and about 2ft off the ground, With a bc flip, you would be aboue 5ft+ off the ground.

Hey, cool that you guys think its possible,

Ive been thinking about the rotation, if you had the right kick ramp, you shouldnt have to worry to much about the backflip rotation? Just wondering
