CFM 2007 the 8 first battles

We upload part 1 of the Flat battles in Buthiers while the CFM 07. All the rest will come soon.
You can download the HQ wmv file here or just watch it on utv.

Part 2

part 2 is now also online.


wow that was quite incredible.

Part 3 and 4 are also online now and I will add a QT version also soon.
Trials should be ready on the weekend :smiley:

Convert them to mp4 or something before you watch, or watch the flash version on utv.

When i tried to download them it wouldn’t download the whole thing it only downloaded a bit so i tried it again and it got slightly further but still didn’t download it all :frowning: this happened to me when i tried to download the FLUCK street competition videos as well. I don’t know whats wrong can you help?

mmmh I don’t know whats the reason for that problem but you should use a download manager in that case (like get right …). Then they file will be resumed and you should be able to finish the download soon.

Thanks is there any you recommend i am on a mac.