So I really hate it when you go to the library and grab some cds, check them out, take them home and play them, only to find that some of them have had swear words and even drug names censored out. I totally understand having these “Clean” albums for radio broadcast (cause of the evil FCC. The FCC must die…) but do they belong in the public library?
I’ve been in contact with the lady who purchases material for the Spokane County Library system and I found her to be sympathetic with my views on this topic. After talking with her, she says she will be holding a staff meeting to discuss revising the practice of purchasing censored material whenever it is available. Yeah!
What are your views on this practice?
I’m against it cause… First of all, they totally mutalate the creative expression that the artist used on his/her album. And it’s like a book of paintings blurring out private parts of naked people in the paintings.
They make the song SOOO unbearable to listen to (all the bleeps in the lyrics) and you already know what they’re saying.
There are still a lot of un-censored albums in the system which totally defeats whatever purpose they had intended with the practice.
There are lots of albums that have all the swear words bleeped but still have very violent content. Everyone swears, not everybody murders, rapes, etc.
Lots of parents object to having their kids listen to music with “bad words” but it IS NOT the library’s place to impose a few parent’s house rules on an entire community by offering a watered-down, mutilated version of a work of art in lieu of the real thing.
Hopefully she can manage to change the system’s rules on this topic.
I’m really excited.
Anyway… what are your views? Any other observations or points you think I should make?
EDIT: And before someone points out that I’m not old enough to pay taxes to the library, my family pays for a library card since we don’t live in Spokane County.