Cellphones for whom?

I bought myself a cell phone probably 3 months ago - and around here I was incredibly late in getting one, must’ve been one of the only people my age at my school without one…but I don’t think I really needed one before then, not even sure if I NEED one now - but its just handy to have to get in contact with friends. I never use mine fore calling, always texting…
I think if she really wants a cell phone when shes 11 - let her buy it herself if she wants it so bad.

They lay phonelines on the land? Don’t people trip over them?

Kids today are lucky to have cell phones. When I was their age, all I had was a pager, and a dime for the payphone.

Blasting microwave radiation into one’s brain might be unhealthy in the long run. I’m a Quasi-Neo-Luddite on this issue. I have a cell phone but severely restrict its use. Wouldn’t it be “funny” if we later found out that the health of a whole generation of people was negatively affected by cell phones? Emma will be one of the few “lucky ones”. On the other hand, maybe microwave radiation is perfectly safe… or even good for us. After all, the mega-billion-dollar industry assures us of its safety.

You had a pager when you were a kid? was that serious or a joke? Cause I didnt know pagers were popular then.

When I was their age, pagers weren’t invented, but we did have a lot of pay telephones. I managed fine.

tread lightly now…

Oh no, they put them in the air, where no-one can possibly be injured by them:



good point


People, planes, cars,… and especially hurrycanes!
So that’s why landlines in other countries usually go IN the land, in stead of ON the land (especially where fiber is being used).

I once was asked to write a report for the European Commission about GSM providers keeping the prices up too high compare to landlines (or name it PSTN, or POTS for America).
Digging the lines in is more expensive. And that why GSM (and the microwave-connections) are way cheaper. Especially since the GSM network hardware is less costly than landlines (in purchase and maintainance).


When we first bought the boys a cepho (sorry, Greg :)), Ben spent most of the day texting his friends. Our first bill with the three phones had a tidy little extra $45 on it. Now we have the texting part of our cepho (there I go again) blocked.

Mary also has picture capability on her phone. We don’t subscribe to that service either. The phones are expensive enough. I want to do as little as possible to help make the Verizon CEO’s next Lexus payment.

By the way, as a governmental employee, I get a 20% discount on cell phone service through Verizon.

That reminds me about my loathing of Nintendo. I think I’ll start another thread.


Don’t bother. Do it here. They’re the same thing.

11 semms a little young, but it depends how much your daughter is away from home. If the only time she leaves the husealone is on friday nights or whatever, Its not really woth it. I’d look into pay as you go though.


How did the car get hung on the (crash)land lines?

I’m 17 and just got a cell phone 2 weeks ago.

But my dog has had one for about a year.

This picture you will find anywhere on fun websites on the internets.
But when I first saw it, it was on some news-website and then it was a big mystery. The driver was NOT under influence of alcohol, but unable to talk to the police (I guess kind of dizzy or shocked).
So to me it’s still a mystery to me as well.
Maybe he hit a wrong-parked car-ambulance on full speed…?
Otherwise I have no logical explanation how something like that happened.

Yeah me too. I wont get one for about another three years if I can help it.

Tell her there’s a 19 year old totally awesome guy who drives and has a job but still doesnt have a cell phone and is perfectly fine with it. Empisize how cool I am.

Im 16 and i got mine a few months ago…i was 15…I do think that 11 is a lil young…whats she need a cell for anyways…use hte home phone…I kept ridin off 10+miles out in the middle of the desert on my uni and needed a phone for injuries…and skateparks for when i needed a ride…

My cell-phone was forced onto me by a friend…I pay the bills though…I hate texting and useless phone calls…Anyone wants a phone?