Celebrate Octobeard

Celebrate OctoBEARD

The rules are simple. Start the month with a clean shaven face, do not shave for the entire month of October.

Spread the word! :):slight_smile:

This is a video I made of my friend for fun.

October is too early for the annual fall growth. I used to start at Labor Day but it’s no fun when the weather is not cold yet. Can we do Novembeard?

:smiley: :smiley: Or just celebrate X-mas with a long beard. :smiley: :smiley:

i’m growing my beard for christ

in australia we have movember, which is where we grow our moustaches for a month. no idea why, maybe you can help me out hazmat? unless its a melbourne thing

movember: Movember - Wikipedia

It must be a melbourne thing. :thinking:

But for some reason, my friends do it too???

lol, maybe its not a Melbourne thing, arent we Australians odd:p

Very odd, but very unique. :smiley:

Well if you celebrate both you’ll look like a full blown Santa Claus come Christmas time haha.

lol, well ill need to get the white powder then,

hahaha! i just remembered something! i once got offered to be santa at a shopping centre. i thought that was hilarious (look at my profile, im the guy with no hair on his head[on the right nuffnuts!])

you recon i wouldve been a good santa?

Haha yea…you look just like him…

To get back to Octobeard- I’m growing my beard (for the month).

you can grow one properly at 15? i only know 2 ppl that were able to do that! me and a greek mate of mine:p

Simple you say? My rules are simpler. Don’t shave. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, got that part. And more (no, I don’t mean there).

I’d rather kill myself. (well, not really, but almost)

Or you could celebrate wintbeard

Brian, you’re such a troll. Good work.

I can’t grow a decent beard in a month…

I haven’t shaved in about 5 weeks… and my beard is barely noticeable, and my hair is like 10mm long.

I don’t think the clean shaven face is a necessity, just that you don’t shave for the month.

At then end of the month I’ll only look very scruffy.

What a beast! If it weren’t for the fact that my girlfriend would never speak to me again if I grew a beard I’d certainly join you in the beards for christ movement. :wink: