
I love music, thus I love cd’s, thus I love my collection of cd’s. I love my cd’s to death. I take them out all the time and look through my collection, clean them, switch their spots. Im not obsessive compulsive or anything. I just adore them. Am I crazy? If I am crazy…Are you?

You’re a little crazy, that’s okay though.
I for one love the music, the CD’s themselves are cool too I guess, but whatever…that could be because most of my music is in mp3 form, which actually is nothing but electrons flying around so it doesn’t actually exist as music…but I love it anyway.



Thank you for the assist, monkeyman dear. That was a very funny cartoon you posted. It’s horrible the abuse the poor apostrophe is made to suffer.


Oh stop it, you’re making me blush.

Miss Ayelery and Aaaaalex, sitting in a tree…

I thank you too… I came here to post the same cartoon.

I believe the apostrophe is misused more than “to/too,” “alot/a lot”, “alright/all right” and “there/their/they’re” combined… and it makes me want to cry.

Oh, the poor apostrophe, may there be a day when your use is revered!

You forgot to include “than/then.”

We should make a “Correct Apostrophe Use Fan Club!”

We should, eh?

Maybe he is trying to say he would like to join the club to help use his apostrophes right. Sort of like apostrophe rehab.

hahahaha, touché…my bad.

the irony is i dont understand the Joke

He is pointing out how james potter was being hipocritical, he used an apostrophe wrong and then said maybe we could create a correct apostrophe use club. Get it?

He is pointing out how james potter was being hipocritical, he used an apostrophe wrong and then said maybe we could create a correct apostrophe use club. Get it?

He is pointing out how james potter was being hipocritical, he used an apostrophe wrong and then said maybe we could create a correct apostrophe use club. Get it?

You can say that again.
