
Cool, what do you say to them?
More to the point, what do they say to you?


I usually ask them where if they could teach me to do cat stuff, like squeeze inbetween walls, and land a fall from like 30 feet. They say stuff like Meow and I want chicken I want liver… And once this one cat was telling me about how stuff is like stuff(cats don’t have the biggest vocabulary). I don’t own any cats but I have liked every one I have ever met. Oh! this one time I was riding my uni and a cat started following me, later he asked if I could teach him, so I lowered the seat, and amazingly(with cat-like balance and grace) he was able to ride the very first time he tried. I named him Roland Hope.

Do you do requests? Could you do a recording for the cats around here, to suggest that sheltering under a car is generally safer if said car has actually stopped first? There are two around here, and they seem to have a death wish… I’m terrified of running them over!


I’d be glad to. But first I need their names(not human names but cat-names) genus and phylum, and color. Normally I can just tell these things, by looking, but seeing as how they aren’t American cats, I need a little more info, so I can speak in their native tounge.

Ever tried the big ones?

I did:


I don’t think I know the Tigerian dialect that well, Its like me trying to speak to someone in Far northern Ireland/Scotland(Gaelic) I would probably recognise like 2 words ou of every sentece he said, Holy crap a big spider is on the wall below my computer!!! MY FELINE COMPANIONS COME FORTH AND DEFEND ME!!! begins to mew, as ultrasonic waves penetrate all barriers to all cat within the county