Careers in Unicycling, etc?

Over the last year or so I’ve been thinking a lot about careers, etc. I want a job that I’d love doing but it’s really hard to find one. One thing that I rekon would be really good is owning a shop that sells unicycles, juggling things, pogo sticks, stilts, minibikes, and heaps of other fun things…just generally things to do with coordination and balance. I’m not sure whether or not there’d be a big enough market for this though.

Has anyone got any other suggestions of jobs to do with unicycling and things like that? I suppose being some sort of an entertainer would be really fun but it’d take heaps of practice and it would be pretty risky. I’d need something to fall back on.

I think that at the moment owning a shop would be the best option. I’m probably just dreaming here but that’d be a great job!

Designing unicycles would also be great. I’ve been thinking of civil/mechanical engineering lately and this’d fit in nicely with my interests in designing things.


After you get your uni frame, and if you like the way the guy conducted himself, see if you can volunteer for him as a helper. You’ll get all kinds of insight and experience that way.

the shop idea is kewl as a back-stop (providing your area provides a big enuf market)
doing all the heaps of practise and working as an entertainer will then turn u into a living billboard for your shop

Working in a unicycling/juggling shop gives you plenty of time to practice and toys to play with. When I did this (as a summer job) I used to get plenty of offers for performing and running workshops. Owning a shop is a whole other game but definitely could be fun.

Mechanical engineer is also a great job. Less time to practice but plenty of toys to play with too. Keeps me out of mischief.

Oh now that’s just not fair… while the rest of us had to get by slogging our guts out with horrible manual labour summer jobs, you’re getting paid to play with toys. Bah! :stuck_out_tongue:

Phil, just me

I did plenty of nasty factory jobs too. I did spend almost forever in further education. Working in a juggling shop was definitely one of the better ways to make money over the summer, though :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m hoping to get a job this next summer as a unicycling instructor at a summer camp. No more details till I get the job, but then I’ll let you guys know all about it.


i have an idea

i would start off by working in a bike shop just to gather up the basics.


I work in a bike shop at the moment, it’s great! I’m friends with both my boss and one of 2 employees (excluding the two owners) I’m the only person there who works part-time and it’s really fun.


australia is indeed about the only place in the english speaking world that doesent have a decent unicycle shop.

Do you have them in England? In Melbourne, Australia there’s a place called Juggleart. They sell all kinds of things and have about 10 or so different unicycles. Unfortunately they don’t sell any really strong trials unicycles or munis. They can’t get Cokers there either…I asked. Looks like it’s going to have to be for me when I eventually get a Coker.


The unicycling instructor gig is looking good for me. With all likelyhood thats what I will be doing this summer. I think I’m gonna try to learn tightrope and slackrope walking while I’m there. The camp is a circus camp out in California and it should be great fun.


where in California?

Summer jobs that allow you to teach unicycling are hard to come by. :smiley:

Northern Cali, 3.5hrs North of San fran. Its kinda out on its own next to a commune, but hey I’ll take it. Who eles is gonna run a circus camp, hippies are great.