Cardinal urges legal action against Da Vinci Code

From the original article:

Wait, so what the some Muslims did was OK now? I thought the fact that Christians don’t freak out was supposed to make them better than everyone else. “They get to throw a temper tantrum so we should be able to as well!”


If you ask me, I think the cardinal should be less concerned with the Da Vinci Code and more concerned with the bird flu.

Da Vinci Code movie a target for US evangelicals

Not very strong faith then, is it?

Good book. The cardinals are undermining themselves by giving the movie huge, free publicity.

People who wouldn’t have seen it may now go just to see what all the fuss is about.

Ah yes, but they have the right to act like 3 year olds…after all, the Muslims threw temper tantrums too, over the cartoons


I can read that…:stuck_out_tongue:
But don’t ask me for a translation:o

OK, never mind, this is just my daily showing off :roll_eyes:

The Catholic church is afraid of Trekkies?

Oh. You’re twelve.

Funny, that’s my reaction to almost every one of his posts

Caught it on Saturday.
Good fun.

And here’s something just for the Cardinal…

We saw it last night. Very faithful to the book, I thought it was very good. Jacquie, often more critical of movies, thought it was slow in spots, and then got pretty hokey at the end. She predicted who Sophie was fairly early.

I was also surprised by how crowded the theater was when we got there, 20 minutes before showtime. It filled up really well before starting, and this was one of four or five houses the movie was playing in.

Good entertainment! Fiction not fact! And there’s even a quote in the movie where one of the main characters answers “No” when asked if Opus Dei is behind all this. Just a few bad apples.

Hollywood must of gotten pressured to have that put in…I’ve read The DaVinci Code a few times, and that quote wasn’t in the book to the best of my memory

I just saw it. The movie would be pretty good for people too lazy to read the book, but other than that it wasn’t that great of a movie.

Yeah, I thought Opus Dei were the bad apples.