Arg, well I origionally drilled my miyata CF base to fit my reeder. Then I decided it sucked for flatland so I redrilled the base and put a kinport on there. That didn’t last long since I just snapped my kinport after a few weeks of riding it. Now I have a problem…I can’t stand the torker lx/miyata handles and I don’t want to put the reeder back on. Kinports are out of stock at UDC and I wouldn’t want another considering how easily it snapped.
It seems like my only options now are to not have a handle or try to put a KH on there. When I put the KH on the miyata base there is like .5" of space between the base and handle so I would need a spacer or something but the part that scares me is that if I redrilled it for the kh handle then that will add up the 10 holes drilled in the front of my base!
I am sad.
Edit: oh and my back bumper is also snapped and has been held on with tape for over a month now.
Ok, has anyone successfully put a KH handle on a miyata base? If so what did you use as a spacer (if you used one)?
(I tried to search but putting in any combination of the words “KH handle miyata base” brings up a bizzilion things.)
I was just thinking of the possibility of making a plastic piece to bolt into my existing holes that has those threaded insert things so I can attach the KH handle to the base without having 10 holes in one section of the base.
as far as the materials it is not good putting many holes in any carbon fiber.
the fibers will beging to un weave, and there will be weak spots all around the holes
spencer try shavin the front of your base with god knows what that way you can fit the kh handle good on it… thats what I had to do with my viscount cauz I had the same problem… I used a grinder to shave mine.
My Kinport failed in the same way… I came down from a big drop and clipped the handle. I’ve since mounted a KH handle on my seat (with a stiffener plate on the bottom of the handle) and it’s been working great… I’ve been using the setup for both trials and muni and it holds up just fine.
If your base has a Miyata bolt pattern you should only have to drill two more holes to accomodate the KH pattern. Use the center Miyata bolt to mount the KH handle in front (drill a hole in your KH handle for this & use a trimmed washer or stiffener plate to reinforce the handle), then drill two holes for the back two holes of the KH handle.
Don’t shave the seatbase down… just use a long bolt and use it to clamp the handle against the seatbase. There will be a gap between the handle and the base in front but it’s cool. Make sure to keep all the bolts tight and you’re golden.
As long as there’s sufficient CF material between your holes (the space between holes is at least the diameter of those holes) you should be fine putting more holes in your base.
Since I had the reeder on there the first time then the kinport holes had to go in very inconvienient places so the top hole is VERY close to the top hole for the reeder (like .25 the diameter of the hole) and my kinport hole on the right side had to be drilled into the right side of my reeder hole so before the holes were touching and had little pointy pieces on each end of the holes that kept the bolt in place but now its just like a big oval that is twice as long as the other holes. So I am not in a good position to begin with. The bottom 2 bolts I would have to drill would come no where near the holes I already have. I just tried to put it together to have an idea of what goes where and one of my bolts has to be at an angle to fit in the other side of the KH handle…I guess I just need really long bolts.
Yeah I know, I couldn’t have helped it though unless I kept the reeder which wasn’t worth it.
My seat is temporarily working again. I remembered I had a lx handle in my garage. It has a small crack in it though. Other than the fact that I hate lx handles it is working fine.