my car has a major anti freeze leak. I filled it up 2 days ago and now it is all empty theres a big puddle of anti freeze on my drive way and my question is will it damage my cars engine if i drive it with no anti freeze?
and how much do you think it would cost to get the leak fixed?
yes it can damage your engine , it will make it over heat and blow up…
try checking your radiator hoses for cracks…
there is a top radiator hose and a bottom radiator hose. if there are cracks that anti freeze leaks out of replace the hose…
Be sure to clean up the antifreeze spill on your driveway. Antifreeze is poisonous to cats and dogs and other animals. It smells good and tastes good to the animals. It will make them sick or kill them. Please clean it up well.
The engine needs coolant. You can drive it with just water in the radiator and no antifreeze in the mix. You’ll be able to drive it to the repair place. Just don’t drive with an empty or half empty radiator. Fill it up, even if just water. And carry some duct tape and extra jugs of water with you in the car just in case.
In addition to keeping the water in the radiator from freezing, antifreeze also raises the boiling point of the coolant. So even if you don’t have to worry about freezing, it is not good to just drive with pure water as the coolant.
Yeah it sounds like you have a leak in your radiator hose, dont worry though its quite easy to fix. A new radiator hose should only cost you about 6-20 dollars, and 20 dollars being a ridiculously high price.
well its not leaking out of the radiator its leaking out of the bottom of the car towards the middle. Looks like its coming out of a little box down there
Yes driving without coolant will junk your car in next to no time. If you don’t want to spend the time finding the leak and fixing the component there is a quick fix. You can get what is affectionately known in the car industry as a ‘turd’, a block or material that you crumble in to the radiator, and which will flow round the coolant system and as it tries to flow out where your system is leaking will plug the hole. Sometimes it comes in the form of a thick paste or gel, and does the same. Usually called “Rad Fix” or something like that.
Heed John’s words about antifreeze, and also it will damage car paint so if you get any on the body wipe it off with plenty of water.
a black box?
does the black box have anything written on it?
It wont overheat in Alaska.
Just kidding, it actually probably will, and don’t just use water for too long, just long enough till you get it fixed. Using just straight water near where you live could freeze and crack the engine. Luckily it’s summer now.
The Mythbusters figured out that you could fix the problem with a decent sized leak by putting a raw egg into your radiator and then run it till it gets to normal running temperatures. I wouldn’t recommend this though, but incase you’re feeling too cheap.
What you need to do is fill up your car with water and then inspect it to determine the actual part where fluid is coming out. It’s really hard to give good advice when you only say something with very little detail like "little box in the center of the car. Try to take pictures too if you can.
Good luck!
Take the car to a professional and have it looked at. I mean this in the kindest possible way, but that you had to ask this question indicates that you know very little about cars and should not trust yourself to deal with the situation. What everyone said is true. If you drive it without proper coolant it will end up in a bad way.
If the car is a Ford, I’d also suggest a prayer to St Jude. (I know, I’ve had one.)
Click & Clack (the Cartalk guys) also recommended the egg… I need to check for leaks, I thought my thermostat had gone on my car, but turns out I just needed coolant Fine now. Of course, I add coolant, and the exhaust snaps in half. It’s always something
A leak that bad usually means you have a big problem. But it could just be a bad water pump. Most water pumps have “weep holes” when they get old and are losing compression, they will drip water out, it drips more and more as the pump gets weaker and weaker.
what kind of car is it?
take it to a professional? are you nuts.? a. they can rip you off. B. unless you paid more than $20 an hour, doing it yourself will be cheaper. C. using water isnt good but my dads been doing it for ages and his car hasnt crapped out. the car itself has no windows, is full of water and you have to hotwire it but…its mechanically sound. BIG TIP. buy a service manual. i did it tonight on ebay. AUS 16.50 because some asshole felt like trying to outbidd me. anywho its cheap and easy. get under yr car and get someone to pour water into the radiator. find the leak and plug it. or buy a new one of the doodads thats broken.