Can't get this damn song out of my head!

…and now im going to pass it onto you!


this one is allways stuck in my head

Edit:go to 4:00 it is so funny

And so will this stick in your head, also the vid rocks and is insane at best. :astonished: :astonished: :smiley: :astonished: :astonished:

i drive my sister crazy with that

Its always in my head anyway but well done for sharing with everyone else. This is the best video of the three posted in this thread too :smiley:
In fact its so good and so annoying to anyone who hears it as they won’t stop humming it i’m going to stick it on my myspace now to annoy others :sunglasses:


This version of the original post almost made me die when I was watching the episode: that song wont get out of my head